This is taken from the bangkok post thismorning......
"A lot of people are less inhibited while on holiday than they are at home," noted Olivier Meyer, a Swiss physician who practices in Pattaya.
Older men with fragile health are particularly at risk.
"Someone with heart problems who thoughtlessly plunges into Thailand's pleasures is endangering his life," Meyer said.
His colleagues agree - the heat on the beach, several shots of hard liquor, a Viagra and then vigorous sex with a bar girl is "a life-threatening cocktail."
Heart and circulatory failure, and diseases common in old age generally, are the most frequent causes of death among German tourists, according to the German embassy.
Thank god am only 23, but maybe its a look into the future for me
"A lot of people are less inhibited while on holiday than they are at home," noted Olivier Meyer, a Swiss physician who practices in Pattaya.
Older men with fragile health are particularly at risk.
"Someone with heart problems who thoughtlessly plunges into Thailand's pleasures is endangering his life," Meyer said.
His colleagues agree - the heat on the beach, several shots of hard liquor, a Viagra and then vigorous sex with a bar girl is "a life-threatening cocktail."
Heart and circulatory failure, and diseases common in old age generally, are the most frequent causes of death among German tourists, according to the German embassy.
Thank god am only 23, but maybe its a look into the future for me
