Reading Brocklanders riveting Modern Science travelogue reminded me of a concoction used by pornstars to help increase their volume of ejaculate.
Some movie sets actually have a blender operator to mix these guys cocktails of the following vitamins, minerals, and supplements to increase the splash. *
It takes 2-4 weeks for the body to build up a nice "storehouse", using this recipe:
L-Arginine - 500mg daily - then an additional 1000mg 30-40 minutes before sex.
Zinc - 45mg per day (90% of men are zinc deficient because of processed food).
Lycopene - *10mg (or 10 to 12 servings of tomatoes per week. Not sure if ketchup applies).
Niacin & Beta-Sisterol - personal amount varies.
Some of these individual components are often used to increase blood flow and reduce prostate size.
The "blender guy" was whirling this stuff up with 2 raw eggs, but I prefer washing capsules down with a glass water. One unpleasant side effect: this stuff aint cheap!
Some movie sets actually have a blender operator to mix these guys cocktails of the following vitamins, minerals, and supplements to increase the splash. *
It takes 2-4 weeks for the body to build up a nice "storehouse", using this recipe:
L-Arginine - 500mg daily - then an additional 1000mg 30-40 minutes before sex.
Zinc - 45mg per day (90% of men are zinc deficient because of processed food).
Lycopene - *10mg (or 10 to 12 servings of tomatoes per week. Not sure if ketchup applies).
Niacin & Beta-Sisterol - personal amount varies.
Some of these individual components are often used to increase blood flow and reduce prostate size.
The "blender guy" was whirling this stuff up with 2 raw eggs, but I prefer washing capsules down with a glass water. One unpleasant side effect: this stuff aint cheap!