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Pet Peeves
(stogie bear @ May 20 2007,12:21) Yes... my eyebrows were also raised when I saw the words "good social services, high pay and a vast amount of other benefits..." written in this breast beating, flag waving post.
I can't think of any 'good social services' that are federally funded that operate in the USA. I've lived in Salvation Army hostels and on the streets of big cities in the USA and I can tell you from first hand experience that the poor and working class are outsiders in this country.
There are a few charities that pick up the slack sometimes in some cities, but don't kid yourself that the American government provides adequate health care or education to the millions upon millions of it's porrest people. That's just deluded bullshit.
And where is this 'high pay' and who's getting it? I hope you are not inferring that minimum wage is a livable income. Have you seen the pay for post-grads? Are you sure this is 'high'? They certainly can't afford to pay off student loans or buy a house on these salaries.
You need to spend a bit more time outside of your bubble in other countries before you hold so tightly to these laughable assumptions and claims.
I lived there for 13 years and had a blast, but enough is enough... I don't miss Taco Bell enough to want to live there again. I simply could not afford to live there in any degree of comfort compared to at least 50 other countries in the world...
Don't get me wrong, though. I like mixing with Americans more than any other citizens on the world. And America is a great country for a visitor to see (if he can get in!)
love donnny from the l;and down under where the illegals have to get here by boat not walkjust a sex tourist looking for hot fun
I hate people who want something for nothing.
I hate people who cheat & take short-cuts instead of working hard to acheive success.
I always laugh when someone acts like they've contributed so much to a project when really they have done nothing but dragged their feet and then they expect to reap in the rewards.
I hate people who would rather sue for anything for a quick dollar than work for it.
I think you all get the theme of my pet peeve. I'll sum it up with one word;
Lazyness.My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.