I know its old news in the UK , but maybe a few here havent yet heard of this guy ......
A big hand for JOHN SMEATON the Glasgow baggage handler who jumped in to punch a would be sucide bomber in Glasgow airport as the terrorist attempted to crash a blazing jeep into the arrivals area .
John was then interviewed after the drama (with subtitles because of his strong Glasgow accent !) and broadcast around the world .....
His own words .....
"the guy wis going straight for the polis (police) my instincts just kicked in , I heard myself sayin , thats no right ... so I shouted fuckin come on then and ran up there to leather him . I piled in and tried to get a kick intae him .
All this time he was swingin at me shouting Allah this and Allah that , and I started to get a idea what was going on .There were other guys weighin in too .
I think some guy banjoed him on the side of the heed , but he was still fightin . Ive never seen a man fightin with such spite , not even at kickin oot time in Paisley town centre
A website has been set up in his name and over 1200 people have pledged to buy him a pint at the airport bar ...
and the last word from the "have a go hero "
"Im pleased people have found humour in something so serious - but Im no hero , others would have done the same . "
What a guy modest to the last
A big hand for JOHN SMEATON the Glasgow baggage handler who jumped in to punch a would be sucide bomber in Glasgow airport as the terrorist attempted to crash a blazing jeep into the arrivals area .
John was then interviewed after the drama (with subtitles because of his strong Glasgow accent !) and broadcast around the world .....
His own words .....
"the guy wis going straight for the polis (police) my instincts just kicked in , I heard myself sayin , thats no right ... so I shouted fuckin come on then and ran up there to leather him . I piled in and tried to get a kick intae him .
All this time he was swingin at me shouting Allah this and Allah that , and I started to get a idea what was going on .There were other guys weighin in too .
I think some guy banjoed him on the side of the heed , but he was still fightin . Ive never seen a man fightin with such spite , not even at kickin oot time in Paisley town centre
A website has been set up in his name and over 1200 people have pledged to buy him a pint at the airport bar ...
and the last word from the "have a go hero "
"Im pleased people have found humour in something so serious - but Im no hero , others would have done the same . "
What a guy modest to the last
