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Yusuf's Cafe

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  • Yusuf's Cafe

    The DVD called Yusuf's Cafe which is Cat Stevens return to music after 28 years of absence, is very good for both the music and his presentation of Islam.

    Now, looking at the words in his old music, you can see this was coming, namely, his move to religion.

  • #2
    He's a pretentious fart. Wrote some nice comfortable folksy songs a long time ago and then went mental.


    • #3
      Nice, balanced reply from mr GrumpY!!
      seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


      • #4
        agree with you Stogie.Let's not forget that he was one of the towelheads calling for the fatwah on Salaman Rushdie to be carried out.Just another example of a "rock star" losing his way.What's the difference between heroin addication and believing in fundamentalist Islam.They are both pathways readily found by the weak and confused.
        What happened to his "Peace Train".
        People like him are the same as those that follow Charles Manson or Jim Jones.In a word "Hopeless".


        • #5
          People speak about Islam as if its one whole religeon with one way of preaching. I dont know what sect he worships but if you speak to Sunnis Muslims they hate all the others and all the others distrust them.
          Just look at Iraq! ....

          Im sure Catdude is part of the movement to build that super Mosque on the Olympic village site and make Londonistan a reality. If so i hope he gets pushed under a Bus as soon as possible.

          In Europe there is hardly any opposition to the Muslim menace although a new Pan-Europa party has just been formed to push for a preservation of European Culture...please sign me up ASAP

          Anyway some of CSs early records were pretty good until he went mad..hes has at least a good original voice unlike most of the mass production pulp they churn out today.


          • #6
            cat stevens the name said it all
            just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


            • #7
              A mental illness for sure. Needs treatment. But then again so do the crazed christian fundementalists. Cut from the same cloth of ignorance, and misguided fantasies.


              • #8
                Yep - Christians, too, should be up against the wall.


                • #9
                  I think that's why you should buy the DVD. Aside from great music, it clarifies what went on with him. He did not support the fatwah on Salman, he is strong advocate of peace, and his new music is as good as it always was. Open up your minds if you think that is remotely possible.


                  • #10
                    I just spent an enjoyable half hour reading the wikipedia entry for Cat Stevens, which includes links to music old and new.
                    I actually couldn't find any evidence that he is mental, crazy or hopeless, well not unless conversion to a religion qualifies for those descriptions.
                    Islam is just a bloody relegion. It is " fundamentalism" of any type we should be concerned about (as has been touched on above) not religion per se.
                    I know lots of Muslims from many parts of the world, do business with many of them...guess what. Some are shits and some are really nice people, same same as the rest of us.
                    I was brought up a Catholic, but like most of my generation not practicing any more...only the guilt lingers on
                    I really do not believe religion is a good thing, not sure if there is a God. But I do believe, if there is a God etc. Yusouf (Cat) would find himself on the right side of the ledger at a day of judgment. If there isn't a God, well history will judge that he did more good than harm, let's hope we can say the same for ourselves when the time comes. If you don't know what I'm on about at least take a few minutes to read the wikipedia reference.
                    OK, bottom line I admit it, I was always a cat Stevens fan.
                    When I were a lad we had the one thing that money can't buy...poverty


                    • #11

                      So many Ladyboys so little time..


                      • #12
                        yeah my entry on wikipedia say"s that I am "the greatest guy on Earth, all ladyboys should be attracted to me and that I am very rich, good looking and can fuck 24/7. "
                        In case you didn't know anybody can add/change the profiles on wikipedia.There are spin doctors out there managing the profiles of politicians, etc every day.
                        You might even get around to saying nice things about yourself, if you are so inclined.
                        Anybody that can change or edit their own story, or create their own version of history, has wikipedia on their side.
                        Religion itself is "THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL."(Richard Dawkins) in any form, fundamentalist, or not.


                        • #13
                          Religion itself is "THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL."(Richard Dawkins) in any form, fundamentalist, or not...

                          Wise words. Religeous people just flaunt their below average IQs. It doesn't matter how literally you take 'the good book' or how often you go to church... if you believe in any of these silly fairy tales then you should give up your children to social services or someone more stable and qualified to take care of them then get castrated.

                          Religous people are just plain stupid and ridiculous... and they are killing us normal folks by the millions every year.

                          Can you imagine how peaceful and wonderful the world would be without these idots?


                          • #14
                            Yes I am aware of those shortcomings in Wikipedia, in fact I have just finished editing your entry, I think you might find your bio is not quite as flattering now
                            Actually I do agree with you and Stogie about religion I am reading The Dawkins book (The God Delusion) at the moment, a thought provoking read.
                            When I were a lad we had the one thing that money can't buy...poverty


                            • #15
                              While I am far, far, far from a proponent of religion, I think without it, people would latch on to something else to wreak havoc. It is human nature. Also, we all know the Islamic & Christian fundamentalists have nothing to do with religion in reality. It is merely a convenient rallying point. Before Christ and Muhammad, there were just as many, if not far more wars and violence, only then the rallying points were the Roman Empire and the Vikings et al.

                              As for Cat Stevens, his music, in retrospect, is extremely positive, as is his current promotion of peace. There is nothing wrong with any of that. He also never mentions any religion in any song. The fact that he moved to Islam, is somewhat irrelevant to what he is doing. He was also promoting positive imagery prior to his move. So what he does in his home or mosque is not important to me provided his music, words, are towards a positive end.

                              I would hesitate to say he appears to be a far better man than many of us from what he has devoted his life to; i.e., promotion of peace, better education, and ending fundamentalist rhetoric.

