So... who do you really fucking hate who is still stealing your share of God's clean air?
For me it's that cunt Mugabe, but second (just) is Jimmy Saville!
Mugabe (#1 CUNT who ever lived!)
Jimmy Saville (#2 Twat!)
The cunt (Chavez) who is bullying Venesuela into the dirt is #3
I'll think of a few more...
But who do YOU think should be restricted access to air?
Don't forget that weasel Jack Straw...
Oh my God... I can think of loads of cunts who are breathing and shouldn't be...
For me it's that cunt Mugabe, but second (just) is Jimmy Saville!
Mugabe (#1 CUNT who ever lived!)
Jimmy Saville (#2 Twat!)
The cunt (Chavez) who is bullying Venesuela into the dirt is #3
I'll think of a few more...
But who do YOU think should be restricted access to air?
Don't forget that weasel Jack Straw...
Oh my God... I can think of loads of cunts who are breathing and shouldn't be...