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  • #16
    Used to post on a Thai GG Delphi site a lot (one of the few LB posters), then met a guy in a LB bar who told me about another LB site, since defunct that I used to post a lot on, then another guy I met outside a LB bar by the name of Ozzie (yes that one) told me about this site. The rest is history. I only come here for the crazy people who make this site different & better than other sites about Thailand. Never been shy to say "I like LB". When I talk to people in Thailand I always give them this site.


    • #17
      two and a half years


      • #18
        Only just found this site believe it or not! Been posting on a couple of other LB sites but they're kinda quiet sometimes so I've been having a field day here just reading through posts. Looks like quite a community - just can't believe myself that I never found it before.


        • #19
          First joined the site way back in September of 2002. Lurked for a few months until I got the jist of what was going on in the forums. I started to make a few posts because I found that this was the only good LB site that gave accurate information. I was a newbie to the LB scene and did not want to fuck up. Of course I managed to do just that despite all the great information available. A few years back I was kicked off and barred from the site, then all was forgiven and I came back with this screen name. My aim now is have fun, give advice, talk about my own personal adventures in Thailand with LB'S and screw my brains out now that I know having any serious relationship with a P4P LB is a fools journey.


          • #20
            joined in oct. 03. left for maybe a month and came back to stay . love this forum. love the ladyboys. post everyonce in awhile. never been to paradice but would love to go someday. meet some members there and have a good time.


            • #21
              So - you may have changed your user name. You may never have actually posted at all! You may have more than one username and you may be new here...

              === I originally came to the forum 4-5 years ago as Rebel Ray. ===

              How long have you been posting on this message board? What were your favourite bits of the past few years?

              === I originally came to the forum 4-5 years ago as Rebel Ray. I got reregistered in MAR 2006 (job kept me away for awhile). I love the trip reports and of course the photos -- I use to be a big DONUT fan until she started misbehaving -- the forum gives me something to look forward to.===

              Is this an addiction that you jones for after a long flight?

              === I must admit that daily checking the forum is an addiction of mine - and I don't have it after long flights. I initially joined the forum to can "insider knowledge" as each year since I retired from the military (1977) I have wanted to take a trip to LOS -- each year something happens (this year a member of my family had open heart surgery in OCT and is still in the hospital -- needless to say Ray is not getting his cock banged in Bangkok again this year either). I still check the forum though as even though my dreams get bashed regularly (an unexpected curse of being married for 25 years) I still dream -- LONG LIVE STOOGIE BEAR.===

              Let's see how many old timers are still here... Bricktop? Paddy?

              ===SF1B4 - AKA: Rebel Ray===

              Where are they now? I'm still stuck in the damn Bible Belt (near Nashville) where one cannot even find a decent Asian Massage Parlor anymore. As far as LB experience goes I still have memories of my limited encounters with the ones in Panama back in the early '90's.


              • #22
                (allstar88 @ Dec. 04 2007,18:41) two and a half years
                but give up on being a paid up member this year   vids all the same of lb wanking  


                • #23
                  Bigmick pretty much summed it up for me.

                  I started out looking for info and have hung around for the ride. It provides me with an escape from the boredom of my reality. I'm not sure if it helps the LOS blues or fuels them. I probably post more then I should given my experience or lack thereof.

                  I also read the forum more then the main site. I only just realised my yearly subscription ran out a few months ago.

                  After looking at some other forums recently I have a new appreciation for ATS

                  the odd troll or two
                  They provide some of the best laughs, I remember Sweethoney from last year.
                  I don't get it, is this a magic show?


                  • #24
                    After looking at some other forums recently I have a new appreciation for ATS
                    That's the nicest thing you can say! Cheers...


                    • #25
                      this forum ~

                      We all may not have the same opinions but at least it gives like minded people a chance to chat and discuss the issues and meet on our travels.

                      Personally i've been around couple of years but i think i was a member under another handle before my current one.

                      I love reading the stuff and hopefully i can give a little bit back to the forum as its given me such great laughs and insight over the years.

                      Keep up the great work SB & all the other leaders in the forum

                      I think we should have a poll on how many of us are addicted to this thing.
                      I know for one, i am, and its a must that i get here every day.


                      A worthy trip report


                      • #26
                        Think I've been around since August 2004, joined in Jan 2005 to reply to peply to a post about my ex and got "addicted"
                        Needless to say I look in several times everyday except when in    and post "shite"  
                        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                        • #27
                          I joined the main site when it was very much at the beginning, and I'm talking about 6 years ago at least.
                          That was when JayDee was still there and replying to individual e-mails giving suggestions where and how to find some of the LBs featured on the site. I'm talking about the "era" when Clinton Plaza was there and Nana featured just two LBs bars...almost history now
                          I joined the board later and for a (long) while I even forgot I was a member until one day I started posting and became somehow hooked.
                          Reasons: It's always good being part of a group of people, even though I have only personally met 4 or 5 of you outthere.
                          Some of the postings are interesting, many other are quite silly
                          I don't particularly appreciate the lacking of dirrespect that some members throw in to their postings..but hey..can't change some people
                          Occasionally reading the trip reports, but much less than what it used to be before.
                          What else..hmm..just about it
                          Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!

