PALM OF MONTECHIARO - To The Registry it is called Paolo, 16 years, masculine sex, been born at Catania, but she heard itself woman, it is dressed from woman, it is made up and it is make called Loredana. Some years does had immediately maltreatments from the father, did a disorderly life, slept of day and lived of night. The mother did not succeed to support it, with the father, after the violences immediately, had not relations, the Tribunal of the Minor of Catania was intervened. Seven days does Loredana has hung with its scarf favorite within the stanzetta of the "Community Anchovy", to Navy of Palm of Montechiaro (Agrigento) where was host from three months to be "recovered". And for "to recover it" the Tribunal of the Minor of Catania had assigned it to a community where was compelled to live together to 35 male boys everything, non-EEC, Tunisians, Moroccans, Algerians between the 15 and the 17 clandestine years everything arrived from the north african coasts. She, Loredana, was the sole "woman" of that community and them had assigned it "because no wanted it" says Tidy Lumia, the social assistant of the center that four days does, together to other "hosts" of "Anchovy" accompanied it to the cemetery of Assoro (N) where Loredana was buried. "There they were the mother and its brothers, but no of the arch Gay, not even a flower" underlines Tidy Lumia that confronts an incredible situation. But it is ever possible that a boy, of made woman, to to be recovered is principal in a made community alone of non-EEC male? The social assistant of the welcome center "Anchovy" - an attractive structure that rises to little hundred of meters from the sea, with a little swim pool, a campetto of soccer, excellent kitchen and rooms from hotel to three stars - stretches the arms and does not hide its weakness before a situation of the finite type in tragedy. Within the center Loredana, that "was in test", would not have had problems of sort, support the persons in charge of the structure, but the operating tried however of "to protect it". "It was the first time that we accommodated in a center for male, a" girl" and for her we had prepared - Tidy Lumia says - an individual stanzetta. It had in some manner its privacy, it used the bath of the women for the brokers of the center, ate with those. It was also pleased because it waited for with anxiety the beginning of the professional course for hairdresser, but the other day decided to do the finite". The Attorney's office of Agrigento has open an inquiry that would have ascertained the suicide but still is investigating to ascertain eventual responsibility of other. It is wanted to ascertain also like and because a boy, of made woman, it is ended in that it hit the center of popular alone men and not in another more adapted structure. The news of the suicide of Loredana had been spread from the Communist Reestablishment of deputy, Vladimir Luxuria: "Although the engagement of the social assistants - says the member of parliament - the young one is not in a skilled structure to confront the problems of the disforia of type, above all in a delicate phase like the adolescence one. It is necessary activator a serious politics of social and working insertion to leave from the most specific accomplishment of structures and aimed". "But where era the arches Gay when I have asked to give myself a hand?" says the assistant social Tidy Lumia. "And 'clear that our structure is not certain the most suitable to confront a situation of the type, so delicate and complicated. But we were the sole and not to throw outside Loredana. No it wanted it, all the other centers to which had been asked to accommodate said it of no. Loredana had "precenti" had been accommodated in other centers from where was fled and where perhaps had created some problem. But we did the possible one, have asked also to the arch Gay of to give us a hand. To words they said that they would have done something, but never it has seen né heard". The social assistant that with Loredana had established an excellent relation and with that it is confided does not hide the difficulty met in the to manage that hit the center of with 35 male and a woman. "We did the possible one and if Loredana was found itself badly was able andarsene at any time because in these all centers am free of to enter and to go out, could do like very other non-EEC minor that are here or in other places a couple of days and then vanish. But it had not done it, also because it had not where to go, because no it wanted it". Before impiccarsi Loredana had written two letters, a to the mother and another to an its friend with which stopped a thick correspondence. Between three days face to face with its father in the trial it would be found. "I do not be able more to live so, not there I do it more and I decided to do the finite. ..", wrote before hanging itself to the window of its room near the wall where had fixture a large poster of Marilyn Monroe.
No announcement yet.
From the news (sorry for my bad English)
Ok guys, a Reader's Digest version of the above. First of all, thanks to Bestione, whom I assume read and speaks Italian, but is not fluent in English.
He took a story from an Italian newspaper and used one of the online translators on the story.
Basically it goes like this: a 16 year old ts committed suicide. She had been abused by her father and disowned by her mother. Social services intervened in the case after the physical abuse had been reported.
However, social services put her in with a 35 teenage boys who were illegal immigrants from various countries. The social worker at the center tried to accomodate her with a private room and bath, and arranged a course in professional hair dressing for her to take. However, despite that she committed suicide anyway, just a few days before her father's case was going to trial.
An inquiry was being held, and social services administration say that perhaps the inexperience of working with transgender people may have contributed to Loredena's suicide.
Bestione considers this a shameful situation for Italy.
I think that is the gist of the story.
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