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Eye goes back to nature

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  • Eye goes back to nature

    Eye looking hot




    nice rack

    nice rack


    why was  this photographer laid off again?


    Nice Body, Eyeball!

    when I first saw this I thought of Captain Willard at the end of Apoc Now


    lucky rock


    lucky tree....

    Thanks for the money, D_P.....yes, my cousin still sick too much

    It's a dogs life
    Attached Files

  • #2
    (PigDogg @ Sep. 17 2006,21:57)
    (JaiDee @ Sep. 18 2006,11:48) Thanks for the money, D_P.....yes, my cousin still sick too much

    Nice pics!      
    (letsexplore @ Sep. 17 2006,22:18) What a honey. What is she charging now?
    (JaiDee @ Sep. 17 2006,22:22) same as every other working ladyboy....whatever YOU believe was a fair  price for her services
    (flassitor @ Sep. 17 2006,22:29) She has a very nice tramp stamp.
    (aus2045 @ Sep. 17 2006,23:29) wow, amazing.

    I am going to Thailand in November for 2 weeks, and hope i can meet a couple of LB's that are even 1/4 as hot as she is.
    (Bam @ Sep. 18 2006,00:42) JaiDee, that's got to be the best photo set I've ever seen on here. Those photos look like what you'd see in a magazine like Sports Illustrated. Just brilliant work with the camera!
    (ozzie @ Sep. 18 2006,01:21) Yeah great pics JD.  

    Where is Eye hiding these days is she back in Temptations?

    (dummy_plug @ Sep. 18 2006,02:12)  Apparently she's got a well-heeled sponsor. I wouldn't doubt it, a girl with her wits and looks, probably could charm just about anyone. Last I saw was her on webcam in what looked to be a very modern and well-furnished apartment. I think she's doing very well these days and I don't think we'll see her working the bars for awhile, or as long as she can keep gaming this whale.
    (Bam @ Sep. 18 2006,05:12)
    (dummy_plug @ Sep. 18 2006,15:12)  Apparently she's got a well-heeled sponsor.
    Yeah it's some guy named Dummy_Plug he's been buying her all kinds of things like Air Conditioners, Satellite Dishes, and even a BMW!;st=0
    (JaiDee @ Sep. 18 2006,05:47)
    (Bam @ Sep. 18 2006,13:42) JaiDee, that's got to be the best photo set I've ever seen on here. Those photos look like what you'd see in a magazine like Sports Illustrated. Just brilliant work with the camera!
    Thanks Bam!

    just like Babe Ruth and Michael Jordan and Gordie Howe, I am going out of this profession in a blaze of glory and at the top of my game!   Errr...... let me take that back......
    (JaiDee @ Sep. 18 2006,06:06)
    (dummy_plug @ Sep. 18 2006,15:12) I think she's doing very well these days and I don't think we'll see her working the bars for awhile, or as long as she can keep gaming this whale.
    wait a second here....... are you telling me that ladyboys would actually let some guy support them while they are in some far-off country, and the ladyboy stays in Thailand and doesn't work and lets the guy send money to them and not have to get a real job like the rest of society?

     Shocked, I am!! I can't believe this would happen! All those girls I have been sending my hard-earned money to over the years have just been playing me and didn't really love me as they said?  Damn........

      No wonder Eyeball doesn't write me anymore, too busy counting her money  he hee  
    (69billy @ Sep. 18 2006,11:10) Nice    
    JD ....Location??That place looks good...
    (Dieter @ Sep. 18 2006,13:55)
    Gorgerous girl + Top Photographer = Great pics..


    (dummy_plug @ Sep. 18 2006,21:27)
    (Bam @ Sep. 18 2006,18:12)
    (dummy_plug @ Sep. 18 2006,15:12)  Apparently she's got a well-heeled sponsor.
    Yeah it's some guy named Dummy_Plug he's been buying her all kinds of things like Air Conditioners, Satellite Dishes, and even a BMW!;st=0
    Hey, it's not me! No way I can afford all that.  


    • #3
      (HugoVee @ Sep. 18 2006,21:31) Thanks for the pics. Been a huge fan of hers since I first saw her about a year back. Probably in my top three favorites for sure.
      (tampanugget_2001 @ Sep. 19 2006,14:00) If your not sick of hearing it, nice set of pictures.

      Other comments in this thread make me wonder why some of the punters are upset when a girl is able to find a sponser and make a life for herself. I would think that you would be happy that someone isn't scratching to make a living. Prositution is no worse a sin if you get paid well for it.
      (dummy_plug @ Sep. 19 2006,21:59) Naw...I'm happy Eye has "made it". I'm just sad she had to burn through me to get there hehe...
      (Groundhog @ Sep. 19 2006,22:27)
      (dummy_plug @ Sep. 18 2006,15:12) Apparently she's got a well-heeled sponsor.
      A sponsor? This is like a World Vision thing ... sponsor a disadvantaged ladyboy ... Sally Struthers (whose sexuality has always been suspect, just my humble opinion) would like you to help.

      Hell, I do that every time I walk into Obsessions ... maybe two or three (depends on how much energy and beer I have in me). Sign me up for the Peace Corp (or how about the Piece Corp )
      (JaiDee @ Sep. 20 2006,16:27)
      (tampanugget_2001 @ Sep. 20 2006,02:00) I would think that you would be happy that someone isn't scratching to make a living. Prositution is no worse a sin if you get paid well for it.
      try and find the humor and sarcasm in these posts.... I don't know about the rest of the guys here but if a ladyboy can get sent money from someone and stay off her back I think it's great, seriously, especially if she is cool like Eye.

      as long as it ain't coming from me [and it never will be] I personally hope all these girls get wealthy.
      (JaiDee @ Sep. 20 2006,16:30)
      (Groundhog @ Sep. 20 2006,10:27) Hell, I do that every time I walk into Obsessions ... maybe two or three (depends on how much energy and beer I have in me
      sounds like you and I have this in common Groundhog.... I am happy to sponsor a ladyboy or 2 for a few hours as long as they are taking care of my needs, and they always do. after that it is, of course, "up to them" to take care of their financial problems, same as every other person on this earth.
      (JaiDee @ Sep. 20 2006,16:35) Oh, and for you 69Billy, these were taken on Samui in early summer, I flew Eye down for a few days of R&R

      full gallery coming in 3 days but hell you have seen most of 'em here!!
      (JaiDee @ Sep. 20 2006,16:36) close-up
      (Mai-Kee @ Sep. 20 2006,16:39) F A B U L O U S!!!!
      (JaiDee @ Sep. 20 2006,16:39)

      try taking picture's into a sunset...... not easy!!

      Hmmmmm....taking photos of beautiful ladyboys in the tropics at sunset on an island, and visiting waterfalls and swimming and getting the fringe benefits of night-time play sessions; I gave this job to MonkeyMan why, exactly??


      • #4
        (JaiDee @ Sep. 20 2006,16:41) on second thought, can I have my job back guys? Please???

        (JaiDee @ Sep. 20 2006,16:44) while waiting out a rain storm [hey, it's the tropics!] we found a cave to relax in for a while..... I think Eye looks sexy here

        (JaiDee @ Sep. 20 2006,16:53)
        (aus2045 @ Sep. 18 2006,11:29) I am going to Thailand in November for 2 weeks, and hope i can meet a couple of LB's that are even 1/4 as hot as she is.
        sure, why have money don't you?

          one more of Eye on Samui

          happy to see my cute friend is so well-liked around here

        (Sparhawk @ Sep. 20 2006,16:56)
        (JaiDee @ Sep. 20 2006,13:44) I think Eye looks sexy here
        you're not alone in that opinion. She looks amazing! Great photos!
        (vangough05 @ Sep. 20 2006,19:26) Great pics Jai Dee. How many air cons did it cost you to get pics like that and as we all know you really are a star so perhaps she paid you?
        (JaiDee @ Sep. 20 2006,20:00) wow, you guys really ARE trying to flatter me!

        trust me, if the day ever came when a ladyboy paid me for anything it would be posted and pinned in the main forum and left there for a year...... I can't even remember an LB picking up the Pad Thai from a cart on the corner.

            Not sure what I paid Eye for that whole deal, but she got a  free trip in a tropical place and I had a cool friend come visit me for a few days;  but see signature,  the best part of that whole vacation was when I sent her packing back to BKK after 4 days and I spent another 2 weeks there alone  LOL

          All photo's taken with a pocket camera by the way, a simple Sony cybershot 5.0 megapixel with a crappy lens
        (PigDogg @ Sep. 20 2006,20:37)
        (JaiDee @ Sep. 21 2006,05:44) I think Eye looks sexy here
        (Bam @ Sep. 20 2006,23:10)
        (JaiDee @ Sep. 21 2006,08:00)  All photo's taken with a pocket camera by the way, a simple Sony cybershot 5.0 megapixel with a crappy lens
        Just goes to show you it's all to do with the Photographer and Model...  

        You certainly got a great 'Eye' there for Photography Jai Dee

        (JaiDee @ Sep. 21 2006,05:35) if you could see my work from January, 2000, running around Patong Beach on my vacations with a crappy Olympus 35mm FILM camera [remember those?] you wouldn't think so! It was typical tourist stuff and there is a reason none of the old 2001 content is still up here.

               Over time you get better, as with anything..... I would guess I have worked with 500 different models and over 1500 photo shoots since then, so the improvements are bound to happen.  then you get tired of it; by this year I was basically mailing in my work and Monkeyman came in at a perfect time and frankly his work now is much better than mine was towards the end.

            and I should have mentioned; a simple pocket Sony AND a lot of patience..... whether working indoors or out it's best to wait and time your clicks perfectly; the model may not be in the perfect pose when you first look through the viewfinder, the key is to wait until she is before you snap.  Drives the models crazy but in the end you get better-quality stuff over all.

          Thanks again Bam, do you work here or something?  
        (TTChang @ Oct. 09 2006,07:27) I've had the pleasure of Eye's company a couple of evenings this week.  She started back at Temptations recently, but i havent asked whether sponsor out of cash.

        Someone could fall in a big way for Eye, as she isnt in my book the 'up herself' superstar.  Excellent company, and now with pink braces to add to the smile! For gorgeous body, see all these excellent photos, which do her justice to the full. Cheers, Bam    

        In truth, I wasnt a big fan of Eye from uk viewing, but am now!  Which goes to show, yet again, don't make up your mind before you get to Nana!


        • #5
          removed from 'Pinned' and bumped....for Bam who likes these pics!


          • #6
            (JaiDee @ Oct. 25 2006,08:23) removed from 'Pinned' and bumped....for Bam who likes these pics!
            This thread was deleted by someone by pure "accident" however I restored it from a backup. Our servers backup everything daily and weekly to a set of backup hard drives... and a monthly backup is done and stored off-site outside of the data center. So nothing can ever be deleted, lost, hacked, or sabotaged when it comes to ATS.


            • #7
              I have to admit she is looking very, very nice!

              You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


              • #8
                Speaking of EYE, I was wondering if someone could answer a question for me. I was wondering if anyone knew whether she was advertising herself on Craigslist.

                I happen to be a member of a JAV/J-idol forum and one of the other members asked if they happen to know who a pic of a particular girl was and whether she was, "fake or not?"

                When I saw the pic he had posted of the girl in question I thought for sure it was Eye. But, I can't think of why she would be posting her pic there. Unless someone was passing themselves off as another is so common on web-dating pages and such.

                Anyway, I posted the pic. So I was wondering if anyone knew for sure if it was her or a good knock-off? It's not the best pic. And not very big either. But it's the best I can do.

                Thanks guys!!
                Attached Files
                It's been a rough day. I got up this morning ... put a shirt on and a button fell off. I picked up my briefcase, and the handle came off. I'm afraid to go to the bathroom.

