A weeks wages on a bag! Never done that or bought gold!
You should have seen her eyes light up. She was teary eyed that basically a complete stranger and one in this mix of P4P and hot LB sex in a foreign land would drop that lind of Baht and ask for nothing in return....
I've got karma I am paying back for from previous lives and one thing's for sure. No matter how cynical SHE may get, she'll have at least one memory where she will rememeber one instance of kindness.
Now, how to balance the other 99 prick things I've done in previous lives....

You should have seen her eyes light up. She was teary eyed that basically a complete stranger and one in this mix of P4P and hot LB sex in a foreign land would drop that lind of Baht and ask for nothing in return....
I've got karma I am paying back for from previous lives and one thing's for sure. No matter how cynical SHE may get, she'll have at least one memory where she will rememeber one instance of kindness.
Now, how to balance the other 99 prick things I've done in previous lives....