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Lotusman's Site Signing Off

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  • Lotusman's Site Signing Off


    About 6 years ago (prior to this site) there was not very much information on where to meet LB's, stay around Nana, and the overall scene.  I know, I was looking for it for on my first trips.  As a result, I created a little web site to share some information to the curious.   It was intended to point the first time traveler in the right direction got get what we all wanted "to meet our first Ladyboy"...

    Well that was a while ago and anything anyone needs is here, or available for the asking from this great forum.  So it's time to shut it  down.  It will close down in the next couple weeks, if you want to take one last look, here is the link.

    Some pics from the site..

  • #2
    Cheers mate, I have found your site useful in the past when I was still wet behind the ears on the LB scene. Thanks to dedicated people like you, I've had a rewarding LB loving life.
    forward motion is like the sway of the ocean....


    • #3
      Good stuff Lotus, thanks, reminds me of my trips to Asia (no BKK unfortunately) and gets me geared up for another flight except longer this time. Cheers.


      • #4
        Lotusman, your site was one of the reasons I went to Bangkok in the first place. My first trip in 2002, your site helped me a great deal, and so did you... we exchanged a few emails and you answered many questions I had as a first time traveler to this unknown world of LOS! I stayed at the JW and even met up with Gow... my first Thai Ladyboy seen on your site. I guess you can say I followed in your footsteps. I hate to see your site go as it does have a special meaning to me.
        If you don't mind me asking.... why are you closing it? does that host cost? If so maybe I can help you out?

        We Solute you  


        • #5

          Thank you for creating that web page. I think your information is very useful and helpful. It would be nice if you left it up. Is it possible to mirror it onto a free site such as Yahoo or something like that?


          • #6
            Good to see you Lotus! Pity you're closing your site! Seeing those 2 cuties reminds me if you - or anyone- still have the gallery of Ballon and Nadia? ATS featured them in March 2004. Loved those pics! Nice work!!!




            • #7
              to Lotusman. Although an infrequent poster, Lotusman has been a supporter of the site from the very first days of the inception of and also back in the days of the first message boards that we had.

              Of course - I hope this doesn't mean that you'll be abandoning us, too, right?


              • #8
                Hey Guys,

                Thanks for the nice comments. No SB, I'm afraid you are stuck with me for the long haul. I'm planning on dying an old man if front of my computer while I'm watching a AsianTS video...

                It was just time to close it down. When I was going there every 3 months I was easy to keep current, but now I only make an annual pilgrimage. And things change fast in the bar scene.

                Bam, thanks for the offer to send a few Baht my way. That was not the driver. But appreciate your offer. Yes, Gow was a fun person. She looks so young in the picture.


