how can you reject that
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Ziggy is right dont let them get away with that crap ,,they know I will drop them real fast if they pull that stuff....Now Anny and I joke about it, she will start up with the "I no like you, you Take Treasa last night I see you" and then we both crack up,,, its funny. (Then we go get Treasa and head off to my hotel)
yeah, like Anney told me, "you no like me, u find anuther ladyboy!" ..yeah right, try that & then they really get pissed! Noon?? never met her but there are many others in Noon's class, overall as far as looks go Natalie & Areeya are in a class all their own, personalites aside, that's just MHO..
I was sittin in Cascades one night/day? with Vicky on one side and Tar on the other, and Noon walked up to us. The body language was a fucking hoot. They let her shake my hand, and both were very, very adept at keeping her away. It was like a chess game, very comical. I love that place
Randymanain't life grand