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Cissyboys... not Ladyboys!
This is "Maki". post blow job relax. The punter is sitting with camera drinking tea. A true Japanese femboyAttached Files
(Tomcat @ Apr. 01 2011,21:58) the stones which are STEEL LADY's weak point, STEEL LADY lost her power. And STEEL LADY incurs fierce tortures by BOSE's soldiers, and which leads into their pleasure taming to STEEL LADY attacking weak points as new half.....
I see a playstation game in the makingDid you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage
yeh weird i thought. cant make head or tail of it , suppose on has to buy the download to find out who won
Also just found a new cissysite.. this is Sao. Sort of Tv meets femboyAttached Files
My Esteemed Learned Judges....................Some of you might say that the eight photos below are of a Cissyboy..................Some of you may determine her to be a Femmeboy...............and some of you may decide she is a Ladyboy.
She lives as a femine boy and in these photos is wearing a wig because she has short hair.
She is studying in London and supplementing her income in time honoured fashion.Attached Files