You keep saying Brazil doesn't care about Covid. They are more serious here than anywhere.
They just happen to think that life can still go on. Everywhere on the streets outside over 80% of people where masks.
CNN is poisoning your brain. They want the pandemic to go on forever so they can gain total control.
Not one person in those videos will die of Covid so why can't they live their lives?
In fact the police are closing down most parties right now.
I personally don't think it is nearly as serious as it's made out to be. Lots of old people are dying.
Guess what old people always die, this is the scam.
Who cares if I catch Covid, it is not any more dangerous than the Flu.
If it happens Hospitals in Brazil are more likely to give me therapeutics like Hydroxychloroquine because it is not politicalcized.
There is almost no chance I will die of covid.
Stay there and waste away all you want. I am going to live my life.
Plus no matter how hard I try, I am going to die someday.
Why should i be locked up for something that just isn't serious but only to people over 70.
I think with the right drugs very few would die that weren't going to die anyway.
They just happen to think that life can still go on. Everywhere on the streets outside over 80% of people where masks.
CNN is poisoning your brain. They want the pandemic to go on forever so they can gain total control.
Not one person in those videos will die of Covid so why can't they live their lives?
In fact the police are closing down most parties right now.
I personally don't think it is nearly as serious as it's made out to be. Lots of old people are dying.
Guess what old people always die, this is the scam.
Who cares if I catch Covid, it is not any more dangerous than the Flu.
If it happens Hospitals in Brazil are more likely to give me therapeutics like Hydroxychloroquine because it is not politicalcized.
There is almost no chance I will die of covid.
Stay there and waste away all you want. I am going to live my life.
Plus no matter how hard I try, I am going to die someday.
Why should i be locked up for something that just isn't serious but only to people over 70.
I think with the right drugs very few would die that weren't going to die anyway.