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My Thai photo collection 2012 to 2019
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Want to marry her?Attached Files
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From Pattay Obsessions Bar 2012. The first year I visited LOS. What a surprise discovery that they indeed had the most beautiful Ladyboy in the World.
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This naked chick with the purple X's sat next to me, turned her back to me, and flashed her humongus flagpole me. I had never in my life had someone sneak out a baseball bat from her panties without my permission. I was so dumbstruck I couldn't talk. Lost my nerve to barfine her. I have scolded myself for the rest of my life. So if you visit LOS be prepared to seize the moment without hesitation and strike while the iron is HOT. How big was she? Well, let's say so big you could die from a prolapsed rectum.
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