Yes, P&G. I later realized I goofed with the wrong misundertanding about the barfine scam. I'm getting forgetful and more confused as I age. Now I realize what dementia is. I will continue to tell the bar ladyboys, "I don't like to pay the barfine. Too expensive. Can you accept B1000?". Surprisingly they are happy to do so with a smile. They really need the money. If they ask me for an additional tip, or taxi money, or whatever for, I just say, "What! Just use the B1000 I just gave you!" and escort her out the door. I do like having the opportunity to tell uncooperative ladyboys who suddenly don't want to pose for photos or have no dick iron to "SCRAM! BEAT IT!" without having to lose a barfine or B1000 performance fee. I just go out and find another ladyboy with the same amount of change in my pocket.
But still, I do like to tip them an extra B100 to B500 to let them know I like their bods and performances on camera or in the dark. I will try to ask them to make sure they actually keep it for themselves. Not for the bar.
Sorry about not posting this retraction. Was embarassed. P&G, you're a real Kosher guy with your generous advices.
But still, I do like to tip them an extra B100 to B500 to let them know I like their bods and performances on camera or in the dark. I will try to ask them to make sure they actually keep it for themselves. Not for the bar.
Sorry about not posting this retraction. Was embarassed. P&G, you're a real Kosher guy with your generous advices.
