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  • Monger3.0


    We are all mongers2.0. Since Tim O' Reilly launched the expression "web2.0", interactive websites developped, what means websites that we can not only access and read but also in which we input datas either to purchase something or reorganize information. A great application of web2.0 is forums like this one in which the main information is created by mongers themselves. This is why we are all mongers2.0 .

    I wonder what mongering ladyboys looked like before the era of internet. How could someone interested in TS could know about them ? I sometimes still read posts here and there saying that guys went to Thailand and went into a ladyboy bar and enjoyed the scene. It seems that bars played a key role in mongering in Thailand before internet. I guess that no one ever thought of publishing a book with bar addresses as the Lonely Planet guide did with hotels, restaurants, bars and transportation.

    Before books like the Lonely Planet were launched, backpackers and ordinary tourists spent time in bars or hotels lobbies to exchange informations. Mongers0.0 did the same before ladyboys porn sites started selling contacts then were replaced by boards and forums.

    15 years after mongers2.0 started developing their information and feeding them with reviews and trip reports, it seems that older mongers took over the forums in a conservative way to keep on outdated ways of mongering. They struggle to keep focusing the attention to bars instead of letting mongers post reviews dealing with their favorite ladyboys and why not let ladyboys participate to the forum activities. I saw an attempt of creating a forum open to TS fail in some website after a fistful of shemales openly trolled the forum to disorganize information exchanges by mongers. In order to succeed, such a forum would need to create sub-forums accessible to mongers only , sub-forums accessible to TS or ladyboys only and common sub-forums. Needless to do it in 2019 since the idea has been out dated.

  • #2
    outdated forums

    What makes such a forum out of date regarding ladyboys participation ? The main reason is that ladyboys seldom sign up in such forums. Most of them are not aware that these forums exist because they are not really well trained or experienced in using web2.0 . Their main access to Internet is their smartphone that they use to exchange messages in application like Line, Wechat, Whatsapp or one of these numerous smartphone messengers developped at the era of 3G. Ladyboys just followed a different way to the present 4G and this way skipped the web2.0 .

    These Apps are not only messengers that enable sending and receiving messages oversea. They also enable calls, video calls and sometimes searches of people nearby.They also include a profile with a timeline update and profile owners can add a story in their profile.( Posting photos and comments is different from posting stories in the meaning that stories remain in the profile for 24 hours or a restricted period of time whereas ordinary posts remain posted till they are deleted by the owner if the possibility exists or till they are replaced by new posts when the amount of posts exceeds the limit.)

    So, when you see ladyboys standing in front of a bar or sitting inside and playing with smartphones, it's not only a poor education. It also means that ladyboys expect as much personal profit from smartphone contacts than from the bar. Bars remain their "social security" to bring them a salary and a few more customers. Thus, the business of bars is threatened by the use of 4G in Thailand and ladyboys countries. You can also notice that ladyboys bars exist only in Thailand, Cambodia, South Korea and the Philippines.

    In Thailand only, bars remain the trees that hide the forest. If you want to find ladyboys"fresh from the farm", you can track them to the sources in Issan or Northern Thailand and pick up amateur ladyboys.


    • #3
      web4G and monger4G

      The main advantages of mongering4G is to make tracking or hunting of freelancers easier and more flexible. It allows freelancers to be busy in an official job instead of being officially employed in Pattaya to make money (what means being a whore for her family and neighbors). It also enable both mongers and ladyboys to get rid of the bar system when it becomes abusive. It's not common to read in a forum moderated by bar owners that a ladyboy is paid only half of the price the monger paid, the other half being drinks sold at abusive prices and the bar profit margin.

      Mongers4G can create their own network adding other fellow mongers and ladyboys they want to add on their to do list. They can keep the network informed of their trip and block undesired partners. Ladyboys can use the same advantages at their side.

      A greater advantage for mongers consists in finding contacts in many places and not only in the RLDs of Pattaya and Bangkok. Instead of letting people know that they go on holiday in a RLD city, they are seen as tourists with a cultural interest for remote areas. Another advantage of these remote areas is that they are less expensive for tourists and so are ladyboys. Therefore, I could find ladyboys in Issan, Cambodia, Phuket, the south of Thailand and Vietnam. I also met ladyboys with profiles I would have never met in a bar. Last but not least, my trip is not dictated by ladyboys places. I find ladyboys along my way or I look for them between 2 touristic visits. In one word, I have more fun cheaper holidays and more freedom.

      Mongering4G doesn't mean that forums with mongers2.0 are out of date. They are just overrun by new Android Apps. They will become out of date if mongers2.0 don't want to deal with these new possibilities but they also have an opportunity to become more interesting if mongers deal with these new Apps.

      How about bars ? I am afraid they're going through a long and slow collapse. New bars open but more close down definitely. This doesn't mean they will vanish from the landscape. As long as older mongers find an advantage in going to bars, bars will keep a clientele of older men as well as a residual clientele of younger mongers preferring to barfine ladyboys. They will just be overtaken by ordinary bars for mongers who like to socialize and many other meeting points.


      • #4
        Yes I think your monger4G is more like the way things already exist in the western world.

        Yes these ladyboy forums with "Trip Reports" are getting a little outdated since it is much easier for anyone to go to Thailand and there is few secrets left.

        Take tgirlforums for example:
        Tgirl Forums Home Page Shemale and Tgirl Reviews plus Real tranny action. We have the most transsexual action on the internet. Real Tgirls Live Here.

        This may be more an example of 4Gish
        Tgirls and guys both use the forum and interact together.
        Trip reports are replaced by straight up reviews, the yelp age.
        No one ever posts candid pictures of ladyboys from their sessions ever, this is a departure from the ladyboy forums.
        So Thailand is a bit of an anomaly where most ladyboys will let you take pics and video during a session.
        However western ladyboys are often trying to hold down a real job or going to school so they don't want their faces on escort forums.
        Thai ladyboys have no worries but nobody is really called out in Thailand for being a prostitute, unlike the west.

        Bars are dying but will never completely die.
        They can be expensive but there is nothing really like it anywhere else in the world.
        The fact you can go out to a bar full of up to 50 ladyboys and check out the goods before you buy is a pretty good deal.
        I still love going to Nana even after all the drinks, tips and ripoffs, there is just nothing like it.

        Thailand has so much ladyboy competition that they pretty much have to be flexible and do what the other girls or get no business.
        The other thing is it cost very little to live in Thailand, especially if you are Thai, but it costs a fortune to live in Canada no matter who you are.
        Hormones, surgeries and all the things ladyboys like are super expensive in Canada.

        In Canada prostitution is basically legal now, however sites to advertise escorts are actually illegal which is very stupid.
        Cannabis is legal across Canada too but you are only allowed to smoke it in the privacy of your home, there is no legal places to go to smoke it.
        Prostitution is legal but there is not really any clubs you can go to and brothels are basically still illegal even though most "massage" places are really brothels.

        The only real ladyboy in Canada called Goodhandys used to be only for tgirls but now they have relegated shemales to one or two nights a week and do gay and straight rave parties instead.
        This hot ladyboy bar A long running ladyboy and tgirl bar in Toronto. They had dozens of ladyboy freelancers and their admirers nightly.

        So the Thai style of bar never has really caught on in Canada but i think that it is really hard to keep many ladyboys on staff as a brothel or whatever.
        The second the tgirl gets a call from an outside customer she will be out of there.
        You would have to pay them a alot of money to keep them there working the bar all night, only in Thailand can this style of bar work.

        So I think Thailand is doomed to eventually fall into the Escort/client model as they elevate them selves beyond the third world.
        Pattaya will always remain even if all the bars close. You merely need to get on the internet or just simply go outside to meet a ladyboy there.


        • #5
          You have known my way of mongering for more than a couple of years now (Rxpharm). I am always surprised to read that discussions often come back and focus onto Nana Plaza and Pattaya.

          As a matter of fact, I wrote these posts on my tab while stuck istaying bus near the frontier of China. My policy consists in traveling in places with touristic interests and find ladyboys nearby. You can see where I am posting from. I found more bars with ladyboys. (Just yesterday, I had 3 ladyboys in the room) but only one from a bar (what is many ladyboys regarding my character and the country where I am).

          I can see that many mongers don't want to use new possibilities. Without these possibilities, I would have never found the right bars.
          I also believe that forums remain useful. They help bypassing prohibitive laws (as those in some countries in Europe) and share information and tips. I criticize those that try to censor information to orientate mongers. I also noticed they deny or denigrate new apps. To keep on mongering, it's better to adapt to novelties.


          • #6
            My style of mongering/finding LB has seen me use bars only once when in Pattaya, Tootsies in Phuket 2 times and apart from that its all out of bars because I don't even drink, and I hate going into bars.

            Bangkok is a world of all possibilities, with fresher and more enthusiastic and horny LB found virtually all over the city. My style is completely opportunistic. I love exercise and exploring new places, great LB can be found all over the place, walking down past Universities, malls, open markets, restaurants, bus stops, and street markets etc.

            I have started looking at the web in Phillipines, and there is huge potential there too, however, many have high expectations, and inflated ideas of what they are worth or what has to be done to be in their company. I am sure I will get more satisfaction with my old style of mongering/finding LB.

            The interesting thing for me is that they are absolutely everywhere in Thailand, every little town. So much potential.


            • #7
              Originally posted by George Pill View Post
              Definitely needs someone to start shooting VN ladboy porn. I want to see them before I go.
              Originally posted by George Pill View Post
              A dollar is 23,208.50 VN Dongs. Pretty complicated calculating mentally.


              A smart monger2.0 already knows and uses this website :
              Get the best currency exchange rates for international money transfers to 200 countries in 100 foreign currencies. Send and receive money with best forex rates.

     developped an App usable in every smartphone (I found mine for free in Google play). I just needed to set the moneys I would use and that's it.

              I added Euro since this is my money at home.
              I added Emirati Dirham to use the converter when transiting at Dubai airport.
              I added Vietnamese Dong because I used it in Vietnam. Since prices in Vietnam are sometimes given in US Dollars, especially by travel agencies, I added USD.
              I also added Thai Baht to convert ladyboys prices in THB and compare immediately Vietnamese prices with Thai prices.

              In the example left, 800 K is the maximum price requested in HCM by ladyboys. I know at once this is equivalent to 1,040 baht, so the price is acceptable.
              In a bar, I had paid a bill of 620,000 dongs. It seemed very expensive to me. Once converted, the bill amounts to 805 THB (26.70 US$, 24.25 €, 35,45 CAD), what is acceptable for a drink and 3 ladys' drinks.

              If you can understand how to use your smartphone more efficiently, you will do the same with ladybos and you'll become a monger3.0 .


              • #8
                Thanx. Very good currency calculator. The pics of the VN ladyboys are fun to watch, but then again one must now judge a book by its cover. Will have to spend some time researching the VN scams on YouTube
                com and Google to avoid surprises. Tourism is dead in Thailand with the currency exchange manipulation (1:30 bahts), closed up ladyboy bars, 4th Amendment violations in Bangkok wd with the urine cups, and TM30 hassles. We are not welcome so this may be my last trip. Will do some research how to avoid those phony taxis at the airport and their scams. I think VN is a way more corrupt country than the Philippines and Thailand. First visit will be just tshirts and shorts with only one camera to minimize thefts. I'm expecting their ladyboys will be just as pretty as Thailand's but I'm worried about the pimps and kidnapping taxi drivers like in Angeles City and Manila. Anybody know if there are money changers at the airport and how to go about changing money in the city? Banks runoffs? Hotels steal your luggage contents? This is a backward country with a failed Communist economy who is just starting out in a tourism experiment. I suspect the cops are lazy and corrupt with secret cooperations with crime organizations. Saw this in the Philippies and Rio. "When are you leaving?"


                • #9
                  I am going to stop answering your questions GP, the reason being you're just a thread fucker. When I post something about my ladyboys, you add comments off topic for which the answer is this topic. Then, you post about the other thread in this one. You're a pain in the ass.

                  I already suggested you to avoid VN. Just reading your posts, I can guess how ladyboys will react in front of you. I feel, you're no longer able to adapt to the situation. You see corruption and scams in Asian countries as if these countries hadn't evolved since th 1960s. I already suggested you to stay at home. I don't see what the 4th amendment (of the USA) has to do with smart mongering in Asia.

                  The main advantage of modern mongering consists in not being tied to a place (like middle age serfs were tied to the earth) where police operate crackdowns mainly in bars. I travel to quiet places, mix the pleasures of tourism and mongering and stay away from the local police. I also stopped wondering about police corruption, as if the US police our police services or politicians were not corrupted either.

