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19 Things NOT to Do in Mexico
Well this list is quite similar to Thailand,
except Mexico is about 19 times more dangerous.
I have been to Mexico a few times, albeit not lately. Never had any problem with the locals. Of course, I mind my own business and don;t get drunk and make a fool of myself either. I have lived in and worked in over 3 dozen countries. I also traveled the world for 6 years, courtesy of the US Navy. Never so much as had a local try to steal from me or gyp me out of something. My feeling is, if you go looking for trouble anywhere you will find what you are looking for. If you don't treat people with respect you will not be respected in return. I have had more problems with people in my own country, the US, than I ever did in a foreign country. And yes, I have been to the bars and whorehouses in many countries, mostly in search of GG's. Always had a good time and never got taken for a ride or to jail.
I have never been to Mexico but my understanding is the chances of being the victim of some crime are very high. I have been to Rio De Janeiro and it is quite dangerous but mainly due to gangs, which is a similar problem to Mexico. Both places are much safer if you stay in the tourist areas, in my understanding.
In Thailand or Bangkok you can pretty much go to any town or neighbourhood without much worry of personal crime or kidnapping.
Possible run ins with disgruntled youth or foreigner haters is possible but very slim. Much of it has to do with Christianity compared to Buddhism too.
However in my travels, the most dangerous place I have been is the United States.
It may be the land of the free but safety is not guaranteed. There is more crime against people than anywhere I suspect.
You never know who could have a gun under their jacket and half the time it could be a legal weapon.
The northern cities are somewhat better but as you go south it gets really sketchy, probably because crime thrives in warm weather.
There is a reason the US has the most incarcerated people on earth.
In Brazil and Mexico you can understand how to avoid the crime generally, in the United States crime can happen anywhere.