You too... just piss off!
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Can anyone explain the psychology of it?
In order to maintain the bond that our closely Knit Community is renound for, we must adhere to certain rules.....One being Mr.Stogie Bear Sir....Love thy Neighbour....... [QUOTE] You too... just piss off! is not a show of love now is it????Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!
To answer the original question. I seem to remember somewhere in my dim and distant past the comment that a straight line is merely a curve of infinite radius.
Perhaps a little off the wall - but what I am trying to say is what do you describe as straight?
About 5 years ago I happily divided people into hetrosexual and homosexual. Bisexuals and transsexuals were a sort of inconvenient blip.
Now I find that you have transsexuals that only like men. Transexuals that only like women! and transssexuals that are bissexual .
I can name names but I'm not going too.
To go back to the question why do straight men like transsexuals - I'm buggered if I know - but while I like to to be on the giving end the receiving end holds no appeal for me. Except in my fantasies.
There I've said more than I really intended!
Why analize - anal-ise . Just go and enjoy yourself!
RR.Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.
"I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."
As per one of the previous posters Ive been fascinated by LBs ever since I discovered them about 5 yrs ago...Im 52....and regret I never found them when I was 20...I would never had got married.
Im not slightly attracted to guys.....maybe a very fem boy ....almost a LB....
Over the past 2 yrs with frequent trips to LOS.....and some trannies at home...Im totally comfortable and relaxed with all of this
In the last year or so Ive been exploring the joys of being fucked......and about an hour ago I was screwed by a thai LB here in my home town...she had the biggest cock that has ever fucked me and it was great...never thought I could handle that without suffering ....and incidentally she did the old rubber glove, lube and finger up the ass trick as an entre.....If youve read my recent trip report you will see the irony in this.
My view is the sex with LBs is GREAT and thats what attracts get the best of both worlds.....a gorgeous babe...and a guy who knows exactly what you want, and want s it too.....and when youve cum....they know that you want to rest and meditate a while........
As someone here said sexual orientation is a can be anywhere on the curve and labels and stereotypes dont acknowledge that......I never worry about that....Im just happy I discovered I found these gals before it was too late..and the rest of my sexually active years are devoted to having as much LB fun as I can....Yeehaaa
Why is it so hard to except that sexuality is a very wide land, a 360° circle where the majority of this planet is simply living a 20° - 30° segment. What is all this bloody labelling good for? Straight, gay, bi, trans,.....whateversexual? It's just that some people are beginning to discover the other segments. Be happy and proud that you're one of them! Go ahead and explore the rest!
Today you have fun with a gg, tomorrow you fuck a very attractive lb, a week later you want to get skewered by this fantastic cock..... and maybe you still love your wife!
Don't ask why bananas are yellow - eat them!
I'm more than glad, no I think I'm actually aroused in a way, that especially you are taking care of the rest, Bricky darling !
hahha i actually hate to admit this but I should be the one who should understand what makes guys tick I did study psychology here and I should be able to know that sexuality is a vast land (quoting someone from up there) not yet fully explored by anyone...
anyway let us celebrate our diversity!!! cheers!
It is important to remember that €“ until recently €“ attitudes towards sexuality (homo-, hetero- or other) were equivocal. Even in the animal world, sexual preferences tend to be highly equivocal. In the absence of females, males in many species (notably primates) will couple with other males. And quite a number of species are able to alter their sex in reaction to environmental factors (fish in particular ... nothing like a cold fish).
Of course, humans are denied this luxury €“ biologically, but not for lack of trying. In ancient Lydia, King Croesus invented money, and the independent women of Lydia were expected to come up with a dowry (of money). Those who didn't have wealthy parents went to work as prostitutes, later marrying when their dowry was large enough (this is the first recording of the profession of prostitution €“ note that money had to be invented first, as did accounting, which surely qualifies as the oldest profession). There was more Lydian shame in being a poor woman than in being a working woman. Most cultures of the ancient world had few inhibitions about same sex relationships.
The "Greeks" defined their own "signature" position; and Roman generals encouraged male-male sex, because it was considered "more pure" (it also kept troublesome women away from the camps).
In the West, the turning point, oddly enough, was the ascendancy of the 6th century Byzantine prostitute Theodora to become the wife of Justinian I. Theodora outlawed male homosexuality out of spite. When she had worked the Roman circuses, men had competed with the female prostitutes for customers. In what might be interpreted as the world's first "affirmative action program" she put a stop to this competition. The laws stuck, since Byzantium was the main source of law for the world over the next few centuries. Later on, the Papacy reinforced bans on all sorts of sexual encounters once syphilis appeared in the 14th century.
So what, you might ask? Well, all of this became cultural baggage unloaded on American schoolchildren of the 20th century. Hetero- = tolerated (but only after marriage); onanism = bad (causes blindness and green hair on palms); homo- = bad (stay in the closet); abstinence = next to God (get a life).
In my own case, I need my Saturnalian fling every so often to center myself. And I love to party with ladyboys. There is something sensuous about a ladyboy to an extent unrealizable with a woman. Maybe it's the tough decisions and intensity of their life that makes ladyboys such seductive, exotic and thrilling voluptuaries. And the latter day licentious seraglios that KC3 and Obsession have constructed are a turn-on of an entirely different sort €“ men, women and ladyboys lounging around on each other, dressed to the nines, randy and willing. Mmm!
I digress. My point is that the self-flagellation of stereotyping (or picking our own Judeo-Christian stereotype) is unhealthy, and unnecessary. Just live life, make your own decisions, and realize that you will always be judged by others (but how much do you care?).