no names because this guy is a friend and I don't want to embarass him, but a very good friend of mine had been living in pattaya with a ladyboy off and on for the last year or so. they had been having some problems lately and it looked like they would break up, and the girl took the initiative; besides clearing out all her closets and selling all the dresses that were worth some cash, she also opened his safe[he thought it was secure; she must have watched him open it one time and remembered the combination] and stole all his gold and pawned it, as well as some cash. she then stole both his ATM cards for 2 seperate banks and took 10,000 from one and 20,000 from another. nice girl, basically. now it turns out she is doing yabaa and even selling it.
too bad for my friend because he is a great guy. he liked this girl and it was working for a while but it became time for it to end [like, as i have stated, ALL ladyboy relationships eventually will end] and she made the move before he could protect himself.
don't worry.....the girl is not on the site and the odd's of running into her are slim because she is not really in the 'scene' down there. but what a bitch, eh?
I used to hold stories like this and the 'stupid human tricks' posts back and to myself, but fuck it, no more; no more protecting girls who don't give a good shit about people like us. whatever i see and hear will be reported up here from now on and i hope people like Bam and Yoh and this girl and others will be exposed for what they are; thieves, liars, bitches and skanks. very simple.
too bad for my friend because he is a great guy. he liked this girl and it was working for a while but it became time for it to end [like, as i have stated, ALL ladyboy relationships eventually will end] and she made the move before he could protect himself.
don't worry.....the girl is not on the site and the odd's of running into her are slim because she is not really in the 'scene' down there. but what a bitch, eh?
I used to hold stories like this and the 'stupid human tricks' posts back and to myself, but fuck it, no more; no more protecting girls who don't give a good shit about people like us. whatever i see and hear will be reported up here from now on and i hope people like Bam and Yoh and this girl and others will be exposed for what they are; thieves, liars, bitches and skanks. very simple.