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How much did harris11 pay Fern?

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  • (kahuna @ Oct. 07 2007,19:09) Bravo to all you critics who claim you can tuck your heart away for safe keeping on your visits...

    But in my travels here in LOS, I have NEVER met a fellow BM who could actually do that...

    One way or another, one or more of these girls will find their way in...

    Good luck...

    The way I see it why put a giant wall around our hearts?

    I mean if we don't want Western women and don't want to get close to Thai women or ladyboys then there's no one left. Can get lonely after a while.

    P.S. Harris, Good move! Now that you sent a little money you're even and can close the door and move on.

    Have fun butterflying!


    • To post 164: Kuhuna you are right. On each and every trip to LOS one or more of the sexy LB's gets to my heart and my wallet for a short time but never to my bank accounts back home for a long distance benefactor relationship. (which translates to instant disaster.)


      • (harris11 @ Oct. 08 2007,05:52) I think Stogie was right, she is only after money
        That is what all of them are after. The sooner one realizes that the better.


        • (PigDogg @ Oct. 08 2007,11:09)
          (kahuna @ Oct. 07 2007,19:09) Bravo to all you critics who claim you can tuck your heart away for safe keeping on your visits...

          But in my travels here in LOS, I have NEVER met a fellow BM who could actually do that...

          One way or another, one or more of these girls will find their way in...

          Good luck...

          The way I see it why put a giant wall around our hearts?

          I mean if we don't want Western women and don't want to get close to Thai women or ladyboys then there's no one left.  Can get lonely after a while.

          P.S.  Harris, Good move!  Now that you sent a little money you're even and can close the door and move on.

          Have fun butterflying!    
          I don't agree to much in what Billy 69 does but i do agree on one thing. You go there to fuck em, leave em and move on. I do busines in Thailand and Philipines and have never ever barfined a girl longer then 2 days, suits me fine. I also enjoy the fact that most Thais can't speak too much English as i am simply there for the uncomplicated CHEAP SEX. I am there for the sex there there for the BAHT. Differnt strokes for differant folks. I have no intention of ever living in Thailand so it don't matter to me.


          • I went thinking I was going to butterfly but ended spending time with the same lb's because I enjoyed their company.I actually overcame my fear of being seen in public with lb's on my 2nd trip to LOS and had a great GFE experience.

            You can get wrapped up in it the fantasy but when you are home it is back to reality and keep the cash in tact until the next trip.


            • Just to let you know to any one interested that i take back any kind things i have said about Fern and that Stogie was right, ( I hate to admit this).  
              I made a mistake on victimising harris11 from the outset but this thread has served a fascinating and useful purpose...

              Harris is just like you and me and everyone else who reads here and I'll tell you what... experience is NO insurance against what happens when the helmet starts doing your thinking for you!

              Good luck harris11 and I hope to meet up with you when you come back and talk about all of this from a fresh and more rational perspective...



              • (kahuna @ Oct. 08 2007,10:09) .... in my travels here in LOS, I have NEVER met a fellow BM who could actually do that...  One way or another, one or more of these girls will find their way in...
                Not me, Kahuna, surely? ... Slanderous comment - because my recovery plan is going just fine  

                Now for todays choice >>>  Out of the frying pan .... into the frying pan, the sizzling barbecue ....or the raging furnace?

                Oh, shit, you were right Kahuna.  Forget the lawsuit    

                For what it's worth, I think Harris11 is a good bloke.   Totally misguided PLM wanker, but a good bloke.  One day he will wake up and laugh at all this.  All this description of Harris I own up to myself.   Kahuna is a good bloke too          


                • I'm only going to talk about myself and no one else but there is no way I can fall for a 18-25 year old bar girl. I have nothing in comon with them apart from the fact I like to drink and have a good time and I'm sure they would rather do that with a thai guy rather than me.

                  If I can't have a decent conversation with someone how can I fall in love with them? Sometimes I envy you guys who spend extended time with the same girl but I know I just could not do it. By the third day I'd just want them to leave. For that matter if I spend 3 days straight with anyone I get board of them.

                  I suppose I am lucky in one way that I found this board before I first went to Thailand (then again if I hadn't found this board I probably would have not gone in the first place). But it was excellent in preparing me for the fact that in Thailand money is number one. These girls are expert at telling you want you want to hear to get your cash. I don't judge them for it. I could not imagine what I would do if I was in there situation. But for me Buttafly is the only way to go.

                  For all you guys that love a GFE, if it works for you keep doing it, but alas it would never work for me.
                  Beer Baron


                  • I'm with you, geezer. You have to have some serious low self esteem if you can fall in love with a girl that you can't even talk to! That's just mental. Also, like you, three days seems to be the maximum time I can spend with even the most educated and sexy ladyboy before I want to sharpen the kitchen knives.

                    But when I AM in their company I do enjoy the emotional closeness that passes for 'love' even if it is only a short lived experience which is turned off and on at will. No other country in the world offers the GFE quite as good as Thailand.

                    For me going 'long time' releases more than just sexual energy. My urge to have a 'proper relationship' quickly dissipates after just one night in the company of a sexy interesting Thai ladyboy who I like being with.

                    My relationship and ties with them end when they are out of sight and return with the same intensity after I ask them back.

                    Living here is great therapy for me!  


                    • One of the best bits of advice I got first time I went to LOS was from a friend , who said - because you are paying for sex you, ll never really know if they like you or not , and thats true .

                      If you like someone and they treat you well , well and good , you ,ll have a great time , and enjoy it .

                      Ive met some people in the LB scene who I am genuinely fond off , and I would like to think even on a basic level they have enjoyed my company .

                      If we are all honest here , even the biggest cynics have to admit we all have feelings , and Im sure we all grow fond of certain people certain times . If we didnt we wouldnt be human .

                      For me trying to see good in someone , and at the same time having a little dose of cynicism has worked well so far .

                      Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                      • (stogie bear @ Oct. 08 2007,20:37) I'm with you, geezer. You have to have some serious low self esteem if you can fall in love with a girl that you can't even talk to! That's just mental. Also, like you, three days seems to be the maximum time I can spend with even the most educated and sexy ladyboy before I want to sharpen the kitchen knives.

                        But when I AM in their company I do enjoy the emotional closeness that passes for 'love' even if it is only a short lived experience which is turned off and on at will. No other country in the world offers the GFE quite as good as Thailand.

                        For me going 'long time' releases more than just sexual energy. My urge to have a 'proper relationship' quickly dissipates after just one night in the company of a sexy interesting Thai ladyboy who I like being with.

                        My relationship and ties with them end when they are out of sight and return with the same intensity after I ask them back.

                        Living here is great therapy for me!  
                        Thats it. I am the same. I visit LOS to escape the pressure of white hippos  iratating me and counting their share of my stuff after the first date and even before they have given me a heady.
                        I date abit in OZ to keep the boredom away buts its on my terms. Beats going to the flicks my self and it's always good to have someone across the table as you eat to complain to about discrimination against LB's in LOS.
                        Funny, I can't ever remember dreaming about one of my Ozzie dates but wholly fucking hell , dreaming about my LB dates in LOS keeps me hard all year.


                        • For this story I will suggest Stogie for the Pulitzer Prize for Local Reporting....
                          Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


                          • (stogie bear @ Oct. 08 2007,20:37) I'm with you, geezer. You have to have some serious low self esteem if you can fall in love with a girl that you can't even talk to!
                            I didn't use the "love" word...I actually have no idea what it means and at this stage of my life, it's unlikely I ever will...

                            What I mean by allowing thm into your heart is, I have never met a BM who was able to keep all his senses about him when dealing with these girls...whether 3 days or 3 weeks...

                            Ever buy them stupid gifts Stogie? Phones perhaps...
                            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                            • (stogie bear @ Oct. 08 2007,20:37) I do enjoy the emotional closeness that passes for 'love' even if it is only a short lived experience which is turned off and on at will.
                                   Nicely put, SB !    That is a very good way of describing it


                              • Ever buy them stupid gifts Stogie? Phones perhaps...

