These girls are prostitutes who choose to sell their bodies for a better return rather than work in mainstream society.I have no problem with this and still have respect for their own personal choices.Although i still treat these girls with respect I have no respect for guys that are that desperate and probably incapable of getting laid in thier own country telling tails to these hookers in the hope of gaining some affection from a chick who sells herself to practically any number of punters with money, on any given night of the week.
Do any board members seriously think that these Angels dont speak about us lot in a similar fashion as we do about them?
They have their own forum and communication interactions,its called real life (and mobile phones), of course they tell each other about us and our positives and negatives or any imperfections be they physical or material/financial, and how many would lie about an encounter if they were to tell the truth and lose face?
The fact is these hookers use us just as much as we use them, so if the girl in question is smart enough to figure out the forum on her own then well and good, if not then bad luck.
Any of the losers who inform these girls of anything have probably already assissted the girl or one of her friends any way, so why get involved ?
In response to the question, no .......
Do any board members seriously think that these Angels dont speak about us lot in a similar fashion as we do about them?
They have their own forum and communication interactions,its called real life (and mobile phones), of course they tell each other about us and our positives and negatives or any imperfections be they physical or material/financial, and how many would lie about an encounter if they were to tell the truth and lose face?
The fact is these hookers use us just as much as we use them, so if the girl in question is smart enough to figure out the forum on her own then well and good, if not then bad luck.
Any of the losers who inform these girls of anything have probably already assissted the girl or one of her friends any way, so why get involved ?
In response to the question, no .......