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Contact still a bad idea

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  • Contact still a bad idea

    reading Donnnny's story and seeing a bunch of shit i have seen on-line recently on other forums and up here as well prompts me to make a post like this again, which I seem to be doing every few months or so. but it was relevant 2 years ago when this site first started and it is still relevant now, so i will go ahead with my spiel again, keeping in mind that I always have to look out for 2 groups of people; the customers who pay my salary and the girls who make this site popular and many of whom are close personal friends.

    contacting girls before a trip to thailand is a very bad idea. you can believe me if you want to; or you can say that i am crazy and go ahead and ask me for 15 names and numbers, and you can cruise face-pic listings and red rose escorts and all that other nonsense, or you can listen to a guy who has been sitting at this desk for 2 years and has seen [and read] it all.

    I read about 30-50 letters a week from members of this site and about 99% are very flattering and I am very happy to hear that. there are also a great number of guys who ask me for contact information, and as i have always said, I will give whatever i have for the girls they ask for, despite the fact that it is getting harder than ever to keep track of 250+ models. we will always do our best to hook you guys up and at the very least cab usually tell you where the girls work.

    now, of all the letters i recieve, by far the greatest number of letters are from guys who were dissapointed in one way or another about the girls they had met. they tell me that they contacted modelX for 2 months before they got there, and they thought she would be the greatest thing in the world, and then they get there and have a horrible time with her. she was bad in bed, too greedy, not nice, too greedy, wanted to go shopping all the time, boring, wouldn't go out, and too greedy [getting the recurring theme here?]. Of all the letters I recieve, the overwhelming majority of guys who had fun on their trips to thailand were the guys who asked for NO information, and who just went there and winged it. Is this really so hard to understand? Or am I so non-believable that people still doubt what I say here and say 'he is full of shit; i will contact 10 girls and will have a ball there'.

    the problem with this is that expectations can never be met. some guy who is going to Thailand for the first time may be contacting model Y and they are making grand plans and he is jacking off to her pics every night, and can't wait to actually have his little angel in his hands. how can someone live up to that kind of pressure? these girls are just people, after all, not dreams, and they can not live up to all your expectations; it's impossible.

    Face-Pic, Red rose, and even this site's contact information are all a dead-end. who the hell needs an 'escort' or a pre-arranged date in a city where you can get sex in 500 places 24 hours a day? I can never understand why paying someone 3000 baht for sub-par sex whom they met on face-pic is better than paying cute little Pim the freelancer 1000 baht, and she can be found every single night standing in front of Nana plaza and is a great fuck. there are also 30-40 girls in Obsessions, 30 more in Cascades, and 30 more in Casanova; 100 or more in Nana Plaza alone! aren't the odd's good that you will meet someone nice there? i mean, sure a few of these girls are exceptional that we offer here, but the ones dancing in Nana every night are also and many of them are on the website anyway.

    Now i must be careful here, because I don't want to take cash out of my friends' pockets. many of the girls here and on face-pic meet guys who send them cash and that is great if they can get it. Me, I work hard for my money and prefer to keep it in my pockets, but that's just me; if guys want to support these girls that's fine and the girls really appreciate that. But I also must be careful and help the men who are members of this site, and my advice to all of you is to just be patient and just enjoy your time naturally in Thailand. contacting the girls before-hand is not necessary, please believe that; when you get there you will see. I have access to about 100 e-mail addresses here and now that Aon and me are finished I could be writing some of my favorites and letting them know I will be there soon; the total number of girls i have written is zero, because I know once I get there it will be like the pot o' gold under the rainbow.

    Take 5 or 6 numbers with you to use as a back-up, especially if you are particularly attracted to a few of the models. them and have a great time, on a last minute, spur-of-the-moment thing. But making long, drawn-out, elaborate plans with a few of the models? in my opinion and after reading 2 years worth of sob stories, this is a very bad idea.


  • #2
    WEll said jon


    • #3
      Jon you are too right! I do not understand these guys who scope out on face pic or some other chat room and all that. That might be OK if you are looking for something in your hometown-hell I wouldnt even waste my time with that mess. Just get yer ass to LOS and go with the flow!!! If you watn take a couple (only a couple) of backup numbers (just in case). if you arent too familair with the scene or if you are a "cheery boy" it might seem a comfortable thing to have someting all lined up before you go. I remember my first time to LOS (1997 I wasnt yet into LB's) it was a bit scary walking into a bar/beer bar and playing the game. Trust me after a short while I took to it like a duck takes to water and so will you. This was way before the proliferation of the net and associated web sites/outlets for pertinent info. What you can do is meet someone in here, meet up with them in LOS, buy them a couple of beers and see how its done!! The best plans in LOS are no plans...........Some of the best nights I have had have been unplanned nights and unplanned events-just go with the flow.......................Jon, still trying to get rid of my work at the end of the month but its like 80-20 AGAINST-DOH!!!


      • #4
        100% true BB!!! I never did any pre-arrangements, would be much too stressy for me. Love to be surprised everytime when I go there. That's actually the biggest part of my enjoyment. Of course there's no rule and maybe I'll do it once, but it's also a time issue and when you have then your pre-arranged dates, plus the girls you acquire there yourself, man, that's a fucking business trip schedule!
        ....although I might pick up Jon's nice idea with the foursome. Arranged by the master himself, that can't go wrong.....



        • #5
          Can I have the email address and phone numbers of every girl whose name starts with " A " I like the B's too...there hot


          • #6
            What the fuck is a 'cheery boy'?

            Anyway I am planning a trip in a couple of years and I would like the numbers for Nik, Nok, Nak and Nooo. I'll do the 'O's on the next trip!


            • #7
              TYPO Stogie i meant CHERRY BOY but I am certain after a brewski and an LB and/or GG he will be quite CHEERY as well!!!


              • #8
                Jon, not sure if you read this from BKK tonight...thought you might be interested::


                crazy cock Gents,
                If you don't already subscribe to, it is worth every penny and then some. The best gathering of LBs I've seen (but "correct" me if I'm "wrong", yes?)

                The best part of it: Jon. "Helpful" isn't adequate enough to describe him: attentive, super-efficient, a sense of humor. No, am not in love with him!... LBs only need apply... just praise should be given where it is more than due.

                Note: Jon, if you read this, have you ever considered expanding with a site on Brazilian TSs? There are a lot of local Brazil-based sites, but none with your take and NONE with your level of service to the client.


                • #9
                  wow, this was really nice to read and shows that sometime my hard work pays off here? I actually do read BKK tonight sometime .....I post under the name Adorem...... LOL seriously I do read there sometimes but i missed one. I think he is a gent who travels to BKK frequently but had no access in his home country due to internet censorship, so i set him up with a password to see the site once he got there and told him to pay the first model he saw for the membership fees [it was Yo from obsessions by the way]. So i guess he appreciated the service and made that thoughtful post, which was nice. Now, Stogie Bear....are you reading this also??? i actually did TWO things right today! I must be getting things straighrened out around here!

                  opening a brazilian site? naaaa....I barely have enough time to run this site, frankly [see post about stogie saying i never have enough time to meet with him]. besides, that would mean I would have to spend time in Brazil when I have already found my 2nd home; Thailand.

                  I am happy just the way things are and I am not greedy; one site is plenty to deal with, believe me.

                  thanks for the encouraging post [or at least copying it]..... i owe adorem a beer or 2 obviously!



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by
                    i owe adorem a beer or 2 obviously!
                    ...and a Chompoo and an Aon and a Bobo!


                    • #11
                      Dear Jon

                      Many thanks for this information. I am a fairly new member of the site and am very impressed by it and by your work. Great,great, great models too!!

                      I was one of those people who was going to hassle you for 20 phone numbers. I have been to Thailand several times, know the culture well through Thai gg girlfriends and other Thai friends, but had not done much on the LB scene.

                      However this information, plus the confirmation by others (eg Blue Balz - thanks) has made me see the error of my ways.

                      When i next go to BKK (maybe March 04) I will wing it, with maybe just a few emergency phone numbers in my pocket). I will post details at the time and maybe catch up with whoever is there at the time.

                      Many thanks again for having a site that is a genuine service rather than a rip off.

                      Also appreciate the contributions from the various members - a mine of information. I read in another string Bit Beefy commented to the Cynic that close friends would not take the trouble to write such detailed information as the Cynic had done. I totally agree.

                      Many thanks to everyone.



                      • #12
                        No problemo Traveler! You see Jon SOMEBODY IS LISTENING to my words of wisdom!! Thank goodness! You said that you have done more with GGs that LBs. Would you take the time to get 20 contact numbers for GGs? Course you wouldnt. Same goes for LBs. Take a few backups but if you know the scene at all (and it sounds as if you do) you will be spoiled for choice. Let us know how (or whom) you get on ha ha!


                        • #13
                          I'm BACK !!! This computer better work longer than 6 months, it just came out of computer hospital, so hello to all.

                          You no care me DIE !!!


                          • #14
                            Hi Danno,

                            Missed you up here


                            • #15
                              now i feel like a complete ass. i am a new member and just e-mailed [email protected] for contact info. seriously . . .

                              i go to bkk often and have been living in southeast asia for 8yrs, so i'm very familiar (although i haven't been to cascade . . .). i appreciate winging it and i agree with this posting, but i hate the mob scene. i suppose i should just suck it up and deal.

                              getting phone numbers is a great idea. why the hell haven't i done this before?

