Recently there has been alot of muck throwing over girls like aye in pattaya.she is certainly my kind of girl and im sure a few others who love big cocks like rick feel the same,
Im just interested to know how many guys call up and email girls they have never met?? trying to win them over with there charms???
personally i think this is a total waist of time unless you have already met the girl and been with her.
IF you have a favorite girl whom you see here or another web sight, it is likely she will be a popular girl and ofter dissapointment will rear its ugly head when you go to the bar and try and meet her. even if you have called her and made a date with her, there is very little chance she will write it in her diary.Diary thailand dont think so
Better of just to arrive have a few numbers and do a bit of afternoon calling. Thats how i first met mint over a year ago.If you have 5 or 7numbers im sure one or two will be on hand and i your room inside an hour.
Go out at night and walk the bars of nana and i gurantee there will be 10 or so girls whom you have never seen or heard of , working in the bars.The super stars or tomorrow might have just walked into the bar, and are desparate for a first bar fine to impress there friends.
I love the hussel and bussel of the turn out of nana where the free lancers mingle with the rest, No bar fines to worry about and of course the girls all want to go again for the money, especially if the rent is due.
Good luck in your hunting, bye the way i have ayes number(thanks to sKramla) but there is no way i would call it and have a chat with her if im not sitting on her door step.
Im just interested to know how many guys call up and email girls they have never met?? trying to win them over with there charms???
personally i think this is a total waist of time unless you have already met the girl and been with her.
IF you have a favorite girl whom you see here or another web sight, it is likely she will be a popular girl and ofter dissapointment will rear its ugly head when you go to the bar and try and meet her. even if you have called her and made a date with her, there is very little chance she will write it in her diary.Diary thailand dont think so
Better of just to arrive have a few numbers and do a bit of afternoon calling. Thats how i first met mint over a year ago.If you have 5 or 7numbers im sure one or two will be on hand and i your room inside an hour.
Go out at night and walk the bars of nana and i gurantee there will be 10 or so girls whom you have never seen or heard of , working in the bars.The super stars or tomorrow might have just walked into the bar, and are desparate for a first bar fine to impress there friends.
I love the hussel and bussel of the turn out of nana where the free lancers mingle with the rest, No bar fines to worry about and of course the girls all want to go again for the money, especially if the rent is due.
Good luck in your hunting, bye the way i have ayes number(thanks to sKramla) but there is no way i would call it and have a chat with her if im not sitting on her door step.