This line, from a great book by Amit Gilboa about the sex-tourist trade in Cambodia during the early part of this decade called "Off the rails in Phnom Penh" always comes to the forefront of my mind when I visit America.
In Thailand, or in the context of that book the young Vietnamese girls who worked on K11 in PP 5 or 6 years ago [and whom I visted many times ], the girls and of course the Ladyboys, our main "Obsession" here, are so damned tight and slim; every western guys dream, really. There are many reasons why we all like travelling in Asia and having sex with these cuties, but in reality isn't it the tightness? I mean, some of these kids you can bounce a quarter off their bellies {Cindy, SB's main squeeze and a real looker, comes to mind}; try THAT in America; you will lose your 25 cents for sure!!
One more reason why I don't agree with all that B.S. surgery these girls get, especially the damned Ass and Hip 'enhancements'......who ever told 'em that us western guys want them to look like our women? LOL..... But, of course, that's their choice and what they want..... I can't tell you how many times I have heard "but I want to look like a super model". Good for you, and see ya' .......... now, where is the latest femboy in this shithole who just came down from Nakhon Whocares?
Thought of this while at the gym today, the ONLY place in the USA these days where you can see tight, hard bodies on females and even there it's rare; obesity being such a large part of the western lifestyle now, is it any wonder why we all like Asian ladies and ladyboys?
In Thailand, or in the context of that book the young Vietnamese girls who worked on K11 in PP 5 or 6 years ago [and whom I visted many times ], the girls and of course the Ladyboys, our main "Obsession" here, are so damned tight and slim; every western guys dream, really. There are many reasons why we all like travelling in Asia and having sex with these cuties, but in reality isn't it the tightness? I mean, some of these kids you can bounce a quarter off their bellies {Cindy, SB's main squeeze and a real looker, comes to mind}; try THAT in America; you will lose your 25 cents for sure!!
One more reason why I don't agree with all that B.S. surgery these girls get, especially the damned Ass and Hip 'enhancements'......who ever told 'em that us western guys want them to look like our women? LOL..... But, of course, that's their choice and what they want..... I can't tell you how many times I have heard "but I want to look like a super model". Good for you, and see ya' .......... now, where is the latest femboy in this shithole who just came down from Nakhon Whocares?
Thought of this while at the gym today, the ONLY place in the USA these days where you can see tight, hard bodies on females and even there it's rare; obesity being such a large part of the western lifestyle now, is it any wonder why we all like Asian ladies and ladyboys?