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Threats from lb's

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  • Threats from lb's

    As some of you know i'm a newbie, and like to ask what i should do with threats from lb's. In fact "i want to kill you" was some of the words last night, over the phone.
    I guess i gave her some false signals by buying her a drink and sitting down with her awhile, but later left with another lb. She also said never come back here, or else....
    Should i take this serious? I try to treat the girls fair and be a nice guy, but i really don't need some psycho hanging around my hotel ( she claims she knows where i'm staying, but i doubt she does).


  • #2
    from the excessive reaction i would say she was on drugs...i wouldnt bother at all.
    may i ask you which bar and who?
    Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same. -- Oscar Wilde


    • #3
      don't worry one bit, these words have been said thousand of times to thousands of punters over the years for very minor things, you are just the latest to have dealt with a psycho or a crazed-out drug user.

             I understand real ladies are even more crazy than the ladyboys in  BKK and have seen a few fights between them and falangs,  believe it or not but oftentimes the people we deal with here are more stable!
      Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
      -Dennis Miller


      • #4
        Shes on drugs yes. I rather not say her name now, shes a well known model on many websites. Starlight bar , Soi 7, Pattaya. On another board theres a story how she stabbed a costumer with scissors at HiBoss and got fired. I think you know who she is now.


        • #5
          (rick @ Mar. 24 2007,09:28) Shes on drugs yes.
          I read on the ATS forums that ladyboys don't do drugs so this must be false

          maybe just having a bad night?
          Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
          -Dennis Miller


          • #6
            Ah silly me, maybe she was just tired and she had contacts so her eyes was starring.
            Man, that area around Soi 6 and 7 is rough, when i got there around midnight, 2 thai guys were fighting seriously in Soi 7. I'll stick to Walking St, i think.


            • #7
              she probably wont remember you next time but to be safe just whatcha out and stay away from her.
              Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same. -- Oscar Wilde


              • #8
                Causing a Thai to "lose face" can have serious ramifications. This can occur when you ditch a girl for someone else in front of the whole bar in the wrong way. Though in a case like this verbal abuse and wakeup calls at 3am for a while would be as far as it should go. If the rift is deep, I would avoid the bar for a while for a cooling off period. When you do go back you have two options. If she is the volatile type, just ignore her existence. Otherwise you can try to patch things up by saying the right things and offering a token gift. Though is seems you may not understand the Thai dynamics and have fallen into this headfirst so probably the former would apply. Just remember Thai's treasure their respectability since that's about all they have in this world. So whenever you interact with a Thai, even under duress, try to make sure they end up looking good at the end. It will not only preserve their standing, but improve yours.


                • #9
                  You know, I've been threatened with 'killing' a few times.

                  ... and I'm still around

                  When I was first trying out the LB scene it bothered me, because I wasn't sure if they would follow through (and I had the threats from some girls I really liked ... talk about conflicted).

                  But it's just talk, and as jadeite suggested, you probably made her lose face in someway that perhaps you didn't even understand (like you can understand what's going on inside their heads 90% of the time ... right )

                  Just a question ... you didn't make a grab for her scissors, did you?


                  • #10
                    Hehe, nah, i didnt. Ok thanks guys.
                    I didnt ditch her outside, its was 4:30 am, bar closed and i said goodnight to her, was about 4-6 lbs around, walked 2 blocks up to mainroad whatever that one is named, and my "choice"
                    caught up with me few mins. later. Sure this angry lb knew what i did, but i made sure i didnt make her look bad outside in front of her so called friends. I noticed theres so much intrigues and bad talk among them.


                    • #11
                      (rick @ Mar. 24 2007,15:23) Sure this angry lb knew what i did, but i made sure i didnt make her look bad outside in front of her so called friends. I noticed theres so much intrigues and bad talk among them.
                      doesn't matter, not our problem and neither is ladyboys losing 'face'

                      go into any bar and choose any girl you want [or 2] and don't worry one bit about guilt trips, I know I don't.... wiping false tears from under the eyes, saying 'you are buttafly man', sending weird texts, calling you names, etc ..... means absolutely zero.

                      what the hell do these people do the moment we leave?? suck cock and take it up the anus from some other punters, so why the hell should they care what we do while we are on holiday? It's your life, live it and forget what some bar girl thinks.
                      Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
                      -Dennis Miller


                      • #12
                        Wise words that I am learning ever so slowly...

                        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                        • #13

                          Presumably we are talking about the Soi 6 drug addict aslo known as Beam
                          That gal is capable of doing anything and she has absolutely zero fear of being locked up for it ! I've even watched her throw a bottle a two Police offficers when in a demented drug crazed state of mind.
                          When sober and coherent she is a pleasure to be with but unfortunately those days are becoming very rare
                          Circle her with a 100 meter exclusion zone for the rest of your stay.


                          • #14
                            and as far as death threats from LB's or them calling the cops on you or some weird shit, that will never happen..... hell, 1/2 of them are wired out of their minds these days  and more afraid of the cops than we are, one pee test and they get the shaven-head treatment and the monkey house for a few months.

                             {Oooops, forget about above statement, ladyboys in Thailand don't use drugs, I keep forgetting}
                            Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
                            -Dennis Miller


                            • #15
                              You must be delusional, all this paranoia and talk of drug use Are you It's affecting your normally rational state

