This week CNN's Anderson Cooper is in Thailand doing an expose on human slavery and the sale of indangered species. Ironically the distinction between to two is blurred. But worst of all the same old devices are utilized to give the lie of prostitution in Thailand it's usual treatment. Yes there are human slaves in Thailand but they really have little to do with go-go bars and the nightlife areas of Patpong, Nana, Cowboy etc.
The human slaves are essentially there to service Thai punters and perhaps, overseas Chinese customers. The narration drones on and the lazy cameramen shoot Patpong(neon neon yes!). The impression is that all the dreggy punters who go to Nana and Patpong are supporting the slave system, which is pure bunk. I have never met a slave working in a go-go bar in any of the three nightlife areas mentioned above. They freely decide to work there. They can get lower paying jobs in the non-prostitution economy but go for the gold in the farang bar scene. To display these images is to be lazy and portray the scene as something it is not. Also who are the finger pointers but exploiters of sensation.
The human slaves are essentially there to service Thai punters and perhaps, overseas Chinese customers. The narration drones on and the lazy cameramen shoot Patpong(neon neon yes!). The impression is that all the dreggy punters who go to Nana and Patpong are supporting the slave system, which is pure bunk. I have never met a slave working in a go-go bar in any of the three nightlife areas mentioned above. They freely decide to work there. They can get lower paying jobs in the non-prostitution economy but go for the gold in the farang bar scene. To display these images is to be lazy and portray the scene as something it is not. Also who are the finger pointers but exploiters of sensation.