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Have you had VD?

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  • #16
    I went through a pretty bad experience last year after a trip to hindsight I was relatively careful (protection for all bar oral with lb and gg and a lot of frot/rubbing with lb).

    However, despite all the evidence, when you get the symptoms that I had a few weeks after returning you start to put two and two together and come up with ten.
    I endured weeks of self-torture before I got the all clear from the hospital but I was sooooo's the only way to know for sure....if you're worried, get tested !


    • #17
      (69billy @ Feb. 16 2007,04:22) I Only started to use the condom after the big one...
      By "the big one", do you mean HIV?
      Or do you mean Rosie's large and flatulent asshole?


      • #18
        (surropan @ Feb. 17 2007,05:15) For the last month or so, I've been having recurrent fevers, sore throats, and swollen lymph nodes, and I am very concerned that I have contracted HIV...
        Those are nonspecific symptoms that might be due to mono (caused by a herpes like virus), or it might be lymphoma, or it might be nothing at all, but it might also be something very serious. Don't dick around, get checked out, including an HIV test. If you might have been recently exposed, you should tell your doctor, so that he or she can take that into account when deciding which test to order.


        • #19
          Last night in Bangkok back in '05 got a massage in my room from a GG, had sex with condom, and gotvthe clap. Know it was her she felt gooey, but at the time thought it was lube. Either seeped thru condom or touched me dick after taking it off.

          next day flew to Bali and a few days later had the drip. Clinic was next door to the hotwel and there was a cute Balineese doc or paramedic not sure what she was. Would have liked to ask her out but figure I wasn't prime dating material.

          back in the states my doc didn't trust the Balineese doc and had me take tests again. He was worried that it could have been sypilys instead of ghonnerea.

          Untreated syphylis can kill, think that's what Al capone died of.


          • #20
            Jesus. As it currently stands (73 votes), 1/3 of respondents have or have had a Venereal Disease of some kind. Of course, we know that anyone who answers "I'd rather not say" (why the fuck would anyone answer that, if you have not had dick rot, say no) has really had VD.

            That is pretty damn remarkable.

            And, it is probably an underestimate because some probably have genital warts and don't know it, some probably have asymptomatic herpes, some probably unknowingly have an untreated disease like syphilis or something and some are probably too shit-faced to care.

            Fuck, and to think everyone is sharing the same group of girls too...

            Question: Have you had VD? :: Total Votes:73
            Never! I've been very careful. 19  [26.03%]
            Never... I've been very lucky 18  [24.66%]
            Never... but I occasionally let my guard down. 12  [16.44%]
            Once, but it wasn't my fault! 9  [12.33%]
            Once, and I was asking for it really! 4  [5.48%]
            More than once... I'm an idiot! 6  [8.22%]
            More than once, God hates me! 2  [2.74%]
            I'd rather not say. 3  [4.11%]

            Some repulsive pictures...


            • #21
              i asked the same question here ages ago. no one answered. guess its not something people want to talk about or no one here has it.
              Visit and check the forum/questions section about safe sex/transmission.
              there's tons of great info.
              symptoms are not even close to being a clear indicator.
              just get the test. there are anonymous places.
              it needs to be 3 months after contact. any less is inconclusive.
              i got my test and thank God i'm clean.
              now i'll try to be more careful.
              the disease is out there.
              and remember that asisn transexuals count as 1. sex workers 2. gay men 3. country with higher than average infection rates so they are 3 fold into the high risk group.
              that doesnt mean we cant have fun with LB's, just be safe...
              and i'm sure there are infected LBs working in the bars in thailand. its sooo easy for them to get a fake test paper from a suck ass doctor.


              • #22
                Thanks for the info. Actually I am quite farmiliar with That's in fact what I was referring to when I said that some doctors online seem to say HIV is extremely difficult to catch. It simply doesn't match up with the reality. The Dr that runs the site says the chance of transmission from female to male from unprotected vaginal sex is like one in a thousand or lower... if so than how come so many straight men have it upcountry/ in Africa, etc. Are these guys having sex ten-thousand times a year or something? The Dr on that site would probably have told any of a million now-infected people "Oh, you have nothing to worry about." I find that disconcerting.

                And as for getting a fake result from some quack, I totally agree with you. My friend had to get a health cert for his employer, and all the Dr did was listen to his breathing with the stethoscope, used a tongue depressor, and signed a form that he was free from TB, yellow fever, elephantiasis, and HIV!


                • #23
                  do you think its safe to suck her without a condom?


                  • #24
                    I caught penicillin resistant gonnarhea in Korea back in 1978. Bad thing was it was during a temporary duty trip while I was there with my Fort Bragg unit.

                    I did this little honey in Itaewon a few days before we departed back for NC. We had an unplanned for layover in Alaska when I started grabbing the pipes. We did not get back to Fort Bragg until Saturday morning. Monday was a holiday. It was TUESDAY morning before I was able to get to the Troop Medical Clinic.

                    A couple of big cold needles (one in each cheek of my ass ) fixed me right up but made me a believer in the little rubber raincoats.


                    • #25
                      (qwerty @ Feb. 19 2007,02:31) do you think its safe to suck her without a condom?
                      I knew someone who got oral gonorrhea this way and someone else that had a primary massive herpes outbreak all around and inside the mouth and throat.


                      • #26
                        (SF1B4 @ Feb. 18 2007,19:05) I did this little honey in Itaewon a few days before we departed back for NC.  
                        Gee I was there about the same time could have been the same chickie!!!!

                        Short, Dark Hair, Brown eyes?

                        Who knows

                        It's good to matter what the pay

                        Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

                        Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
                        ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

                        "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


                        • #27
                          (surropan @ Feb. 17 2007,05:15) So anyone here have the big one? I know its not something you want to admit to on the internet, but if so maybe you could sign in as a different username or something? If so, I think everyone here could learn from your plight insofar as we'll recognize it as a real possibility. Lots of health sites say HIV is quite hard to catch, but on the other hand a hell of a lot of people have it. I'm not being paranoid, check out the relevant studies-- there are obvious discrepencies between the cited chances of contracting it and the actual poritions of the populations that are suffering from it. One study in the late 90's even claimed that oral transmission is MUCH greater than usually thought.

                          For the last month or so, I've been having recurrent fevers, sore throats, and swollen lymph nodes, and I am very concerned that I have contracted HIV... I don't know what the point of sharing this is, but I guess I just want to say that I'm pretty fucking scared. Not of my own mortality, but of the response of my family. You get cancer, and everyone pities you. You get AIDS, and any family support is out the window. At least where I'm from. And as far as my fiance is concerned.
                          Go to your doctor and ask for a test but you HAVE to wait a minimum of 3 - 6 months after the sexual contact that you are concerned about for anything to show up. If you are embarrassed about telling him / her you have been shagging LB's tell the Dr that you got a pedicure in LOS and the girl doing it cut your toe and you are concerned about infection from contaminated equipment! Or some other shit.
                          ATM for rent!


                          • #28
                            Quick question about this topic.

                            I had a pretty wild session Thursday night with a hot hot LB, some of the action not entirely covered up a 100%.

                            I am not concerned about having caught a VD, highly unlikely in fact, now here's the issue: My dick itches like hell and is a bit soar and swollen up, no discharge, no pain when urinating.

                            I'm using Kanesten to ease it right now - as mentioned, the session was pretty wild, lot's of rubbing against skin, hairs etc.

                            Any suggestions or experiences with this?

                            If it continues, naturally I'm going to get it checked.



                            • #29

                              quite a few contradiction in your post:
                              >> not entirely covered up a 100%.

                              >>..having caught a VD, highly unlikely in fact, ..

                              >>My dick itches like hell and is a bit soar ..

                              could be irritation from the rubber, but if you weren't totally covered-up you
                              can now have gonorreah, chlamdya, syphilis, heptatits b&c or/and hiv.

                              good luck with the tests ..

                              ps! Cannesten only helps against fungus ..


                              • #30

                                Hi Olekunde,

                                Thanks for the tip about Cannesten, I wasn't aware of that....


