OK, The clock is tick and tacting. My next trip is getting close. I always want to have some good time in Phuket and I am not going to spend my time there alone. Question is, do I go to Nana and find someone lovely or do I go find local talents? To me, Phuket time should be all about relaxing in all day make out sessions instead of hussle back and forth for short times - so if it's not easy to get good LB I rather bring some one from BKK... But still want to hear the pros and cons from you guys.
No announcement yet.
Bring someone to Phuket or find companion locally
I think you are better off getting someone in Phuket that way if things are not going to plan you can just say goodbye to her and find yourself another companion. Also if you change your mind and decide a few short times are on the cards then this will not be a problem.
If you bring someone from BKK you are stuck with her for the duration like it or not. Also I would never think of taking someone with me if I had not spent a least a bit of time with her previously.
There are plenty of ladyboys in Phuket. You have Cocktails and Dreams, Soi Katoey, Simon Cabaret, The Royal Paradise area and also working the shops like massage, travel agents and hair salons.
Yep... listen to Ozzie because he knows. There are so many things that could go wrong when you take a gal from Bangkok. Even if you DO know her reasonably well the trip won't be as succesful as meeting up with the local talent.
And if you DO see some nice ladyboys in Phuket when you are hand in hand with some imported talent you'll kick yourself!
Listen to Ozzie...he knows of what he speaks...I brought a girl along with me and look at what I missed..
I'm still drooling over this one...Attached Files"It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards." --- Anon
A few years ago after doing two trips to Bangkok I decided on my next trip I would not only check out Bangkok again but I wanted to go down to Pattaya. I didn't know anyone from Pattaya or much about the place at that time except that is was a place for sure to see. I had meet these 2 girls from Nana that were really nice and I had fucked them both together... they were a tag team duo!
When I told them I was going down to Pattaya the next day they asked if they could both come along with me... it seemed like a great idea since I never been to this place before and they had.... many times! They wanted to "show me around the place" and I thought it be a good idea... and they said they wanted a vacation too and all I had to do was pay their bar fines for the 2 days they would be with me.
The next day at noon I figured they would never show up at my hotel at that time of day. As I was checking out.... well what do you know the 2 of them arrive on the back of some guy's motor bike... the 3 of us hop into the car and off we go... they slept most of the way.
We arrive at the Pattaya Marriott and I have a room booked in advance for just myself... the hotel however is not surprised at the fact I've brought along 2 little sluts with me from Bangkok... they are actually very nice about it and ask us to wait 15 minutes while they upgrade the rooms bed to King Size! How about that... only in Thailand!
They did show me around Pattaya and it was great to have the personal tour guides however after the first day with them I had wished I was alone once I started to see what ease was available around Pattaya... I was stuck with them and didn't want to be an asshole and kick them out. Sleeping with the 2 of them was at times a real pain... their fucking phones kept ringing and waking me up... and it was always some Thai boyfriend they're talking too... LOL! I wanted to toss their phones off the balcony at one point...
So remember this... when you bring someone along with you you're not only going to have the company... and girls to fuck... which is the good part... you'll also have to live with them and put up with all their annoying as hell shit too.
Best advice.... go alone... you'll have more control over who you 'have' to sleep with and finding girls locally is never a problem.
Here just watch this and you'll see what I had to put up with!
Coals to Newcastle. Patong & surrounds are dripping with talent, and there are quite a number who would be happy to have a nice day on the beach or around a hotel pool and spend more than a ST with you. See Ozzie's post (#2). He can supply at least a few around pool shots! Up to you
(stogie bear @ Nov. 02 2006,22:43) Yep... listen to Ozzie because he knows. There are so many things that could go wrong when you take a gal from Bangkok. Even if you DO know her reasonably well the trip won't be as succesful as meeting up with the local talent.
And if you DO see some nice ladyboys in Phuket when you are hand in hand with some imported talent you'll kick yourself!
I took a girl from BKK, and despite many weeks of msn courting it was an unmitigated disaster
So go with the abundant local talent...won't take long