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WARNING #39 at cascades

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  • WARNING #39 at cascades

    don't know her name
    but shes the heavy-set one. #39.

    she is psychotic and violent.

    as much as i like most of the girls at that bar, i don't think i'll be going back.

    there are some wonderful sweeet girls there like june, noon, vicky etc.

    but this one is nuts.

    she (uninvited) sat with me and wanted me to take her. i said i just wanted to sit alone thanks. she stayed. i more or less minded my business. she took it as ignoring her and that 'she wasn't good enough'. i said it was just me i wanted to sit alone thanks. i was polite and clear.

    she said last time that i told her i'd take her next time.
    this is simply not true.

    she got up in a huff. barking and making gestures.

    then later,when i finally found one i wanted she started telling the other girls there that i was a BAD MAN!!

    she was making violent fighting gestures at me when she went to dance!

    when i went to toilet she got a girlfriend and they followed me in there about to corner me but i got out quickly to avoid anything.

    i tried to tell the witer but he didnt seem to care or be phased.

    worth telling the management?

    or will she do something crazy if she sees me on the street then?

  • #2
    It's happened so many times to me, I've become immune to it. They want you to care about their ranting. The best is to completely ignore it, including next time you go. They don't continue if you ignore it. Also note maybe she was on yaba that night and will forget it tomorrow.

    When girls go crazy, most other girls ignore them too. If you think it is a tight knit club that all align; that just isn't true. Typically there are say 1-3 girl "groups" of friends, but if you think the entire bar is a group of friends who like each other, that is far, far, far from the reality.

    So, my view would be ignore it, if it happens twice, tell mamasan to get her the fuck out of your face, but it's a silly reason to skip a perfectly good bar.

    Under all circumstance --- do not react to it! That will make it continue and you up with trouble outside the bar.


    • #3
      finally after 100 views this topic gets a reply, and a good one. thanks for your advice z.
      yeah i will just let it cool down or go to obsessions in the mean time. or wait for the mysterious new bar. but hope they dont hire #39!


      • #4
        ziggy sums it up quite well. very rarely will they continue their "threats" outside the bar, so you shouldnt worry too much. the tactics, if you can call it that, by the lesser-taken girls is often this. combined with alcohol and/or drugs they might loose their manners from time to time. if they however start to get physisal. just finish your beer - and order a new one haha .. as long as you behave, dont make gestures, and/or add rude comments, the ignore-button will do it.


        • #5
          Bad management in my opinion. If this was happening to me I would just say check bin and go to Obs or Temptations.


          • #6

            is this the one? oh wow funny as fuck  
            It's never okay for men to cry! You know who cries? Girls. And little babies. And little baby girls.


            • #7
              Stupid yaba-junkies! I'd tell the mamasan next time.



              • #8
                I agree with Mai-Dee - tell the mamasan.

                I have always found Cascasdes to be well-run - however I haven't been there since last January. Has it gone down-hill since?

                Fergus: Do they know?
                Dil: Know what, honey?
                Fergus: Know what I didn't know? And don't call me that.
                Dil: Can't help it! A girl has her feelings.


                • #9
                  Ziggy's advice is sound. You should just ignore bad behavior. In fact you can consider it added entertainment (sometimes better than the main attraction). The less popular girls are going to be more tense; they don't have as much opportunity to work out their frustrations in bed.


                  • #10
                    Best to make friends with the Mamasang... and it's easy to do and they love it too.

                    A few years ago a walk into Cascades alone and what do you know some girl I have no interest in sits down next to me and starts to insist I buy her a drink... I just ignore her but she's very persistent and annoying... I then see Noon for the first time walking through. I had seen her on this site but under the name Cindy. I just called out "Hi Cindy I'm back!" she walks right on over quickly... all happy to see me even if we've never met before... I buy her a drink and then tell her to tell this other girl to go away... she says she will get the Mamasang... and I should buy Mamasang a drink... Mamasang comes over and I do buy her a drink... Annoying girl just gets up and left when she hears Mamasang is coming over... end of story.


                    • #11
                      mister smith your pic doesnt show so i cant say.

                      though i doubt she'd ever have been featured on any website
                      other than www.chicks with dicks and nervous


                      • #12
                        I think I know who it was... The same fatty was dancing with some stupid white fatty last night! My God... how sad was that! White fat blonde midriff saunters (erm, waddles) onto the stage and dances with the only ladyboy close to her weight! Her dumb ass boyfriend thought it was great and the rest of the crowd just heaved a collective sigh of "Oh my God... when does the pig go home!"


                        • #13
                          AS MY grandfather used to say scilent contemp.
                          Ziggy is right in what he says about the girls being in groups of 3 or, so.

                          waist of time with the mamasan. if the mamasan was any good she would have sceen your predicament and come over and helped. then maybe she would get a drink and a thank you.
                          Some bitch i didnt want went metal in there about 2 years ago, ranting and raving as i payed my bill and the mamasan who was 2 seats away just laughed.then this crazy fool started throwing stuff at me . first missile was an ashtray. being smart i never turned my back on her and just ducked out of the way. Mamasan did nothing just laughed . fuck the mamasan waist of fucking time.
                          Just ignore drug fucked shemales and walk away dont turn your back or keep an eye on her as she will probibly loose the plot and go mental. once they reach this point its going to get nasty.
                          my two penneth worth
                          just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                          • #14
                            That's hilarious Stogie. You always hit the nail on the head about fat Western girls.
                            Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                            Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


                            • #15
                              (stogie bear @ Nov. 06 2006,11:19) I think I know who it was... The same fatty was dancing with some stupid white fatty last night!
                              If it's the same girl i'm thinking of I wouldn't call her a fatty, although yeah she was bigger the the average girl in Cascades, but shes really in your face thats why i'm sure it's her, good fuck top and bottom ( now how would i know that? Ahem   )
                              It's never okay for men to cry! You know who cries? Girls. And little babies. And little baby girls.

