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Another thing Chompoo said

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  • Another thing Chompoo said

    another thing my sweetheart told me the other night which pissed me off; " one of the customers from your website was with me and told me that you like me, sure, but that you like many girls also beside me and you are a butterfly man"

    duhhhhh......aren't we all? and aren't we all supposed to be playing for the same team here? come on....who is the pussy that wants to get bitch-slapped ? LOL

    not good.......lets not start rumors out there, please


  • #2
    Thats VERY bad form! Why cant guys just keep their mouths shut? What do you think she will like you more and respect you more if you blab to her?? NOT!!! What the f are you lot thinking?


    • #3
      I don't believe it. More likely she suspects that you are boning all the hotties that pop by for a shoot and is trying to provoke you into saying something that you'll regret!

      Just how many people do you know that well who are likely to meet up with Chompoo anyway! And if someone actually did meet up with Chompoo he could be a complete stranger to you and deduce what you are like just by reading the forum!

      And who IS your sweetheart anyway? You have about 20!

      I'd laugh out loud if a prostitute called me a 'butterfly!'

      "Hi Mr. Kettle!"
      "Hello, Mr. Pot"
      "You're black!"
      "Fuck me, so are you!"


      • #4
        >>>nd if someone actually did meet up with Chompoo he could be a complete stranger to you and deduce what you are like just by reading the forum!>>>

        And any of the girls who read the forum will know that as well
        Mister Arse


        • #5
          Confused here ! Thought Aon was number 1 girl ?

          Sure we all butterfly if we are single but if you are promising loyalty/love/whatever to chompoo then decide to butterfly around regardless then that is not really cool. You cannot hide a girl away after promising loyaly and still fuck about regardless. That is not cool for you or chompoo surely ?

          Respect in order here ?


          • #6
            Jon, Did Chompoo say, "You butterfly, You No Care Me Die" !!!!

            You no care me DIE !!!


            • #7
              I believe it..

              There are always guys that have big mouths (and girls too)...

              Also, some of the guys may feel it makes them look better if they have something personal to say about Jon... like they know the guy who pays them "big money" ..

              On the other hand, I would not be too concerned about this.. before I got a g/f, I used to screw around a lot more and I got a reputation in some of the bars as a butterfly .. no problem, I used to just call myself a butterfly and let the girls know right away .. Most of them don't really care anyway


              • #8
                Originally posted by (ramboz @ Nov. 23 2003,09:17)
                Jon,  Did Chompoo say, "You butterfly, You No Care Me Die" !!!!
                Uncanny, Ramboz... That's what Aon said to ME last night!


                • #9
                  I think when a bargirl tells you something, you'd like to keep the salt shaker handy.

                  Like ... I really believe that every girl in Cascades or Obsessions is on her back a couple of times a day, 25 days a month, at long-time rates (after doing the Cost-Revenue math on Jon's 'Ladyboy Income' statistics, this is what I came up with). If that was truly the case, I don't think I'd be as popular as I am in Obsessions (well ... it could be my stunning looks or my sparkling personality ... but somehow ... naaaaw!)

                  If Choompoo (where do they get these names?) says she's unhappy about the inkwells that Jon's been dipping his pen into, then she must want something (another photo shoot?).


                  • #10
                    Butt 'R' Fry man?

                    No one likes a girl with a big mouth ... wait ... wait! I take that back. I love a girl with a big mouth. Even better after an Adam's apple shave (shades of Eve). A little KY and my John Hand-Cock slides write in ... that's dippin the ol' pen in company ink.

                    Note to self: next time in BKK dip pen in Chompoo's butt-r-fry. Yum. She can chomp-poo me out any day.


                    • #11
                      sick,sick,sick ... John, you need professional help


                      • #12
                        Hi Brick

                        yes, Aon is my favorite girl and i like her very much, but bottom line is that she  works for money when I am away from Thailand.   In my eyes, that makes it OK for me to butterfly around and she  is not stupid; she knows  what i do on the  road and even in BKK.  Yes, she is the girl I like best but I am only in Thailand for  afew months a year and like to play around; when I am back in the states  for 5 or 6 months a year she is meeting guys for cash while i am jacking off. She has to work because i never send money to anyone, including her. and frankly, if she can do it, i can do it.

                            Chompoo and  Nun  from Pattaya are also very close to me and  I spend time with both, as well as  Aon, and also the occasional   tryst with  a bargirl.  as i say, we are all butterflys up here; how am I any different? and let me say that i never promise anything to Nun and Chompoo; while I spend about 90% of my 'free' time [there is really not much of that] with Aon, I only spend small time with Nun and Chompoo. they like me and would like to have something more serious, but i just can't, and i am honest with them about that.

                        I suppose I could be an honorary Thai guy; married but with a mistress[es]. very common here.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by (ramboz @ Nov. 23 2003,09:17)
                          Jon,  Did Chompoo say, "You butterfly, You No Care Me Die" !!!!

                          Love it Dan!!!


                          • #14
                            I met Chompoo one night at the Hard Rock Cafe in BKK when I was there with my GG girl friend. Chompoo was there with Paddy and we had a couple of beer together. My gf thought she was pretty nice but I won''t tell you what she said about Paddy though !!! Actually it was nothing bad!

                            While we were in the HRC, before we met up with Paddy & Chompoo, I had consumed a few carlsbergs and felt the urge to get rid of it. Off I went to the toilet, when I came back a few minutes later my gf told me that the American guy at the next table had started hitting on her as soon as I had disappeared asking her for her phone number etc. What the fuck is it with some of these guys?


                            • #15
                              Well, she must be a purdy gal !!

                              You no care me DIE !!!

