I have been recently to BKK and Pattaya and found useful to have information prior to go to Thailand (Ladyboy location ,rate, etc ...) it is useful and make life simpler; as a amtter of fact it is good to establish some relationship some months prior to go mainly if you stay some days only
I found however very difficult to get e-mail from the webmaster when requesting contact details....most of the time no answer back and I think it is a bit unfair from the website. In addition more details should be given when starting the gallery.
Any alternative idea to improve the flow of informations (e-mail adress, phone, to or bottom, etc ...) will be wellcome .
I found however very difficult to get e-mail from the webmaster when requesting contact details....most of the time no answer back and I think it is a bit unfair from the website. In addition more details should be given when starting the gallery.
Any alternative idea to improve the flow of informations (e-mail adress, phone, to or bottom, etc ...) will be wellcome .