In a complete role reversal from the traditional €˜lady-boy robs unwary foreigner story', a 27 year old Thai man who was in the process of helping himself to the valuables located in an apartment building in a soi off Central Pattaya road on Thursday night, found himself confronted by an angry gobble of katoeys. The man had around 30 keys in his possession and was allegedly systematically going through as many rooms as he could get into, stealing whatever he could lay his hands on. Normally, the lady boys who inhabit the apartment block are all out and about attending to their nightly task of earning a precarious living, but on this occasion someone was still in the block and, after noticing a light on in one of the apartments, called for high-heeled back-up. The man was detained at the apartment and police were soon at the scene, before he was taken away for further questioning.
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