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Just when they think they are on top

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  • #16
    i was really inspire to post such topic like this cause i know most ladyboys are survivor from opression and ive heard from many girls on what makes them... coldblooded hookers......cause it make me a a big conclusion on what makes them feel so high and unreacheable

    heartbroken from past relationship
    in demand and popularity ratings
    rejection they expereince from other people

    as what ive said on my intro.....that she doesnt want to cry anymore...she doesnt want to kneel down infront of the guy and he doesnt want to kiss ass anymore...just to get thier attention and gems

    cause they are searching for a man who is a best of both worlds as it time for them to look for high standards cause they already expereincing being rejected for not having such qualities and they are asking for paybacks on people by putting thier own high standards

    as one girl said

    if he wants me for one night.....then its not just paying me to give them service....they gotta invest it
    sexy,filthy,rich its good to be snejana


    • #17
      (Mai-Kee @ Aug. 05 2006,04:51) I really hate the term GFE "girlfriend experience"! What the fuck is that??? If I would like a girlfriend experience I'd have a girlfriend! What I'm looking for is EHE (Excellent Hooker Experiences) and I'm more than happy that this has a price and is terminated, anonymous, no-strings-attached- fun so that I've enough time to stroll around the Emporium BY MYSELF, enjoy the shopping and the excellent food at the Greyhound.
      Why is everybody mixing those pleasures with their lb hookers, I don't get that???

      There is not another term I was aware of to describe GFE. What I mean by that is that the time we share together is like how you would be with your girlfriend - that means kissing, caressing, sweet talk, foreplay, sex then as it is ST a fond farewell till the next time. As you should know, as you seem to go to alot of hookers, some girls clock watch, don't let you kiss them, want you to fuck them straight away and get out. It is that clinical by the numbers routine that is not a GFE !

      Does that seem clearer ? I too don't want a girlfriend but when I with a hooker a bit of tenderness and some affection is by far preferably to fucking a body that neither looks at you or acknowledges you or speaks on her mobile while your on the job !!

      Quite simple really when you think about it. I have never seen your term, EHE, ever used in ads or anywere on the net. That too is equally ambiguous.


      • #18
         LOL.... that's ok, mate....I'm unfortunately very familiar with this term as it pops up every other day here and there and everyone is talking from the GFE he had with his hooker.
        It's only that I don't want a GFE with the hookers I'm with! I want an EHE (my own simple attempt to describe what I'm looking for) . A good performance and a quick leave! But that's just my neurotic personality..... only the idea of having anything more intimous than just sex together - friggin talkin for instance or even worse having dinner.... uahhhhh..... or b r e a k f a s t - the unthinkable!!!! - drives me completely insane!
        The whole hooker thing is a biz for me. I'm buying sexual pleasure and I want an excellent delivery, that's it - no gf and therefore no gfe!!!

        PS.... and seeing Stogie's romantic side .... *sigh*...... 


        • #19
          EHE??... or rather... FFF

          Feel em, fuck em, and forget em. Eh Mai-Kee??

          Geeze, I wish it was that easy for me...hell in about 7 minutes, I want them to adopt me

          softy I am

          (amoung other words) Randyman
          ain't life grand


          • #20
            I guess this is a classic case of , "Different strokes for different folks".

            Obviously if you are paying get what you want but I hope to that you would be gracious enough to acknowledge that we are all human beings with feelings. Let's have some respect for sex workers if they treat you well ?

            This World can be and sometimes is a horrible fucking place to live in. If you can spread a tiny bit of happiness I'm sure you will be rewarded.

            If only we could try harder to be good to eachother. So difficult it seems


            • #21
              Forget GFE, I want PSE(Porn Star Experience).....

              I also think the real Filipino short sighted attitude is coming out of Snejana's original post in that they are just concerned with finding a good looking guy with money while working as a prostitute. Just enjoy your profession and hope for the best. Hard enough for a beautiful woman to find a guy with looks and money...for a prostitute foreign ladyboy to find such a man is near impossible. Better to lower your standards and focus on love and companionship instead.
              brock landers


              • #22
                Brocky....seriously.... we're gettin' closer......


                • #23
                  (breakermorant @ Aug. 06 2006,06:31) I guess this is a classic case of , "Different strokes for different folks".

                  Obviously if you are paying get what you want but I hope to that you would be gracious enough to acknowledge that we are all human beings with feelings.  Let's have some respect for sex workers if they treat you well ?

                  This World can be and sometimes is a horrible fucking place to live in.  If you can spread a tiny bit of happiness I'm sure you will be rewarded.

                  If only we could try harder to be good to eachother.  So difficult it seems  

                  I couldn't agree more! Most of us put up with a lot more shit in life than we either want or deserve, so if you take the time out to relax with a LB or FB its part of the experience - for me - to feel I'm with another like minded human being.

                  IMHO some of the most glamourous LBs turn out to be animated Barbie dolls, nice to photograph but no fun to be with, wheras I would always be more attracted by a bright personality even if they were not superstar lookers. Possibly not being a superstar looker myself has some thing to do with this.

                  Still I guess if this site had a motto it would be "live and let live" so perhaps the best plan is to just go with the flow and enjoy whatever comes your way



                  • #24
                    (brocklanders @ Aug. 06 2006,08:02) Forget GFE, I want PSE(Porn Star Experience).....

                    I also think the real Filipino short sighted attitude is coming out of Snejana's original post in that they are just concerned with finding a good looking guy with money while working as a prostitute. Just enjoy your profession and hope for the best. Hard enough for a beautiful woman to find a guy with looks and money...for a prostitute foreign ladyboy to find such a man is near impossible. Better to lower your standards and focus on love and companionship instead.
                    Just enjoy their profession? Seriously, unless they are drug addicts, I find it hard that anyone that has to sleep with strangers for money enjoys it. Guys are just the johns out for sex, ladyboys consider themselves women, maybe forced into a sex for money because that's the only way to make money.

                    Ok, I agree, love and companionship is maybe what she should be looking for but why not dream? Working as a prostitute may be just that - just work. I don't know, call me naive, I probably am, but if you're young and forced into prostitution just to make money because you have no other choice as far as a job and you don't enjoy it, maybe, just maybe, that one guy will come along and make all your dreams come true. They are women, and women look for Prince Charming.

                    I've been on this forum maybe one month now and it seems that a lot of you guys just don't have any respect for these women at all. Ok, sure, maybe it is safer to be a skeptic and not believe that these girls are after anything but your money, but maybe all you want is cheap prostitute sex. But don't think there are not exceptions and to put down every girl down and then to put them all in the same class is maybe not true. Maybe some are different, some are educated, some have family, some have no choice, some want a better life, some want gucci, some want love. If they say they are looking for love, for companionship, for a rich guy, well, maybe they are. They need a rich guy to get them out of the hell hole that they are living. A poor ass bastard is not going to improve their life.

                    The more threads I read throughout this forum, the more I am on the side of the girls. Ok, there are many ladyboys out there that will roll you, and that's probably you're fault for not recognizing signs. You're talking about 3rd world countries, where governments are corrupt, the police are corrupt, and it's a patriarchal society. Ladyboys are looked upon as gays, thus you are looked upon as gay too, whether you want to accept that or not. We're talking about a sordid life for these girls.

                    I live in Los Angeles, born and raised in San Francisco and maybe grew up with a little more compassion. Transgendereds should not be looked upon as freaks; they like ice cream, movies, romance, and maybe someone just to cuddle with, but they never are able to get that. They realize that they have no choice but sex industry and it may not be their first choice. It's a dialectic world for ladyboys, as well as for their customers.

                    I tend to try and imagine walking in someone else's shoes, and for ladyboys, those are tough shoes to walk in. Gender confusion, family acceptance, having to fit in to society....tough to do. Since we are the one's that accept them maybe a little understanding is needed rather than just a hole to stick your dick in.


                    • #25
                      What!!! I am not alone on this forum have respect for ladyboys !!


                      • #26
                        Actually ohnoriceagain.....I understand your points completely but if you read the original post you can see that the girl is kind of putting down any guys that arent rich or good looking. If I meet a ladyboy and she sees me as a potential source of income or likes the way I look...doesnt matter to me, I dont want a ladyboy gf. I just go along with the fantasy that each of us present and have fun.

                        As far as your assumption that ladyboys are looked upon as gays...not in Thailand. No other country in the world looks at transgenders the way Thais do. They are looked upon as a third sex and as women if they are post-ops. Long history of ladyboys in Thailand in the mainstream of society. I mean, how many countries would have a hit movie about a ladyboy volleyball team.
                        brock landers


                        • #27
                          I guess it's sad (for me), but been around the LB scene in Los Angeles long enough now to have seen the complete arc of some of the PI LB's here.

                          Going from boys, to femmeboys, to georgeous LB's, to hagged out nasty trolls. I've seen ones that started out sweet, but quickly became high priced bitches, who then invested in bod mods, only these days to end up overweight (that PI food they love is high in starch and packs on the pounds) and bitter.

                          It's a tough life, but it's their choice. And they have no sympathy for the guy that wants to meet them but isn't (a) rich, or (b) a bad boy who will treat them like shit (have you notice how many LBs like that type of man?), or © super good looking (guess what girls - - if he's so good looking, odds are very good he's a fag, and you're just a quick stop on his way to what he really wants).

                          So everyone has a sad story. Everyone can make a claim to being mistreated by others. Life's a bitch, then you die. The trick is to treat others as you wish they'd treat you, because if you're an ass to them on the way up, they're going to remember when you're on your way down.
                          Bring on the bitches!


                          • #28
                            Hi Brock,

                            I think it was the "just enjoy your profession" that got me riled up. Kind of like the Bobby Knight quote of when a woman is getting raped "she should just sit back and enjoy it". Didn't really like that and thought I had to respond.

                            I don't know if she is putting down guys for not being rich or handsome, I think she is just wishing for rich and handsome. Lots of women are looking for rich and handsome. These are young girls, they may be dreaming of huge weddings, prince on a white horse, happily ever after stuff, especially when it comes to first love. Girls think like that, guys don't. Yes, we learn a lot early that we use a lot later, both men and women. We mature, and definitely find out that there is reality, and our dreams die. We get older, more mature, but some get lucky at a young age and everything they wish for comes true. I know, I know, I'm talking fairy tales but it does happen.

                            That's an interesting point about the "gay" thing. Here in California, if you are sleeping with someone that has a penis, you're gay, or at the very least bi. Nothing wrong with either in my world. I actually consider myself straight, though I have had 3 ladyboys, am attracted to ladyboys, would never think of taking a man into my bed. I would have no problem taking a ladyboy to a nude beach and there would be no problem for her. There all always plenty of gays guys at every nude beach here in California, and they could care less, and as far as the heterosexual couples, well, they are nudist and also could care less. Sure, there are the exceptions but they would never be found alive on a nude beach. You can find them in church.

                            I think that is awesome that in Thailand that they consider it a 3rd sex, that's a great way of thinking, I never knew that. Here in US, you'd be a gay boy, in Europe, the same. In Philippines, definitely. South America, oh yes, machismo is rampant. And in the Middle East, the village would rape your ladyboy (though that would not be a gay thing because it's for Allah) then stone her and you because she disgraced the family and you are gay, and considered a woman then. And they kill women there with no problem. It's the Islamic way of thinking.

                            I was just trying to shout out the impression that people are people, we do not know what is going through their minds, what they have been through, and what their ulterior motives might be. I'm a live and let live sort of cat, not judgmental, no airs.

                            Yes, we have may have been around the block but not around a ladyboy's block.

                            Peace and love.


                            • #29

                              The Victoria Beckham comparison cracks me up!

                              She stated "I have never read a book"!
                              Maybe Jessica read a divorce novel-----! Classic!
                              Serious relationships, give me a break. Some of the above postings are truly off the edge.



                              • #30
                                "Serious relationships, give me a break".

                                That's the point - for guys there is no point in a serious relationship when you limit yourself to bar girls and bar fines. For the girls, yes, there are some out there that want that and think like that, whether street walkers or freshman in college. They're girls and girls think like that.

                                Maybe give some the benefit of the doubt but if you see them stealing your wallet, break their wrist.

