despite all the shit that has happened these past few years, and despite what Tonio says about the changing face of payments and the cops, and all the other crap that's going on now, Thailand is still the best place in the world to find ladyboys, in my opinion. from what I have scene in Indonesia [probably second in Asia], and from the girls i have seen in places like Malaysia, the PI [no offense Salma], Vietnam and Japan, Thailand has the best-looking and most passable ladyboys of all. Availibility of hormones, the relatively cheap costs of plastic surgery and breast-enhancement, and the fact that many of these people are raised to be females from the time they are 10 or 12 years old all contributes to the fact that this country produces some of the hottest shemales ever. I think Brazil could be a close second; have never been there but some of the girls from there are absolutely stunning. But of course we all like Asian ladyboys and Brazil is no where near Asia.
Thailand is still the best place in SE Asia, plain and simple. It seems like Thaksin and his cronies are trying to change all that and make it harder for all of us to have fun there, and the recent changes in drinking hours and topless dancing and many other facets of the 'life' that we had come to know over the years have made it harder, but it's still the best. Sure, we may never have it back to the way it was, but it's still pretty damned good. And at least 100 times better than any city or region here in the land of the overtaxed and unemployed.
Yes, we miss the old days; but lets think positive and remember what there is back in our hometowns when we are away from the LOS; nothing.
Thailand is still the best place in SE Asia, plain and simple. It seems like Thaksin and his cronies are trying to change all that and make it harder for all of us to have fun there, and the recent changes in drinking hours and topless dancing and many other facets of the 'life' that we had come to know over the years have made it harder, but it's still the best. Sure, we may never have it back to the way it was, but it's still pretty damned good. And at least 100 times better than any city or region here in the land of the overtaxed and unemployed.
Yes, we miss the old days; but lets think positive and remember what there is back in our hometowns when we are away from the LOS; nothing.