Well Guys,
I thought long and hard on this thread, even to the point I pm'd SB in advance
Also in Advance...Please do not laugh, well if you do at least do not post it. Thanks.
As We Men get older there are I am sure many health issues that come up from time to time. I know I have seen changes in my body and had anybody to ever ask and I even looked things up on the net but could not find any help there. I figure either its just me or we all go thru changes as we age...here is hoping its the latter.
Anyrate, I got enough courage to ask my doctor about a month ago...not knowing how to ask him or approach some of the issues, I thought on it for a long while. When it came time to ask him, he stopped me mid thought and said, "dont worry I know what you are trying to ask"....."you want a Script for Viagra". and I pointed out that was not needed yet but thanks for the offer.
No the real question is I noticed some time ago the look and texture of my sperm has changed at some point. I was not sure if it a health issue or not. It no longer has that bight white look but rather an off white yellowish blend as well as a change in texture.
Another item is sometimes I show signs of bleeding after sex from the inside I think. It seems to be in a blend with the sperm slightly. Only happened 3 times ever but I was still concerned.
Since I have no father to ask if this is normal stuff and way to embarrased for the Doc, I thought I would ask here and share.
Thanks Guys in advance.
I thought long and hard on this thread, even to the point I pm'd SB in advance
Also in Advance...Please do not laugh, well if you do at least do not post it. Thanks.
As We Men get older there are I am sure many health issues that come up from time to time. I know I have seen changes in my body and had anybody to ever ask and I even looked things up on the net but could not find any help there. I figure either its just me or we all go thru changes as we age...here is hoping its the latter.
Anyrate, I got enough courage to ask my doctor about a month ago...not knowing how to ask him or approach some of the issues, I thought on it for a long while. When it came time to ask him, he stopped me mid thought and said, "dont worry I know what you are trying to ask"....."you want a Script for Viagra". and I pointed out that was not needed yet but thanks for the offer.
No the real question is I noticed some time ago the look and texture of my sperm has changed at some point. I was not sure if it a health issue or not. It no longer has that bight white look but rather an off white yellowish blend as well as a change in texture.
Another item is sometimes I show signs of bleeding after sex from the inside I think. It seems to be in a blend with the sperm slightly. Only happened 3 times ever but I was still concerned.
Since I have no father to ask if this is normal stuff and way to embarrased for the Doc, I thought I would ask here and share.
Thanks Guys in advance.