Many girls do not wish to have their pictures on the internet,not even for money,a fact i am sure those in charge of this excellent web site can confirm.
Yet i am seeing more and more pictures posted of girls i know,who do not want their pics on the internet.
I think it no secret that JoJo for whatever reason does not want her pics on the internet,i have many pics of her,but she always says they are for me,not to be put on internet.
I feel that if we want these girls to trust us in future,we should respect their wishes,and their privacy,and not put pictures on the internet without asking their permission first.
I enjoy the pictures as much as anyone else,but i am sure we would not like our pics posted here without our permission.
I am sure if anyone posted a pic of Daphnie it would be removed,why are other girls who do not want their pics on internet allowed to be posted?
I also think secret filming in the bars is out of order,many of the girls for obvious reasons do not want to be on internet,should we not respect their rights more?
These girls pose for us freely,they will not even have their pics on internet for money,surely they deserve a great deal of respect?
I know this post will probably upset a few people,but i feel strongly about trust,and maybe i am the only one who feels it wrong to post pics without the girls permission.
I know some of you have a wicked sense of humour,but dont even think about asking for my pics,,lol
Yet i am seeing more and more pictures posted of girls i know,who do not want their pics on the internet.
I think it no secret that JoJo for whatever reason does not want her pics on the internet,i have many pics of her,but she always says they are for me,not to be put on internet.
I feel that if we want these girls to trust us in future,we should respect their wishes,and their privacy,and not put pictures on the internet without asking their permission first.
I enjoy the pictures as much as anyone else,but i am sure we would not like our pics posted here without our permission.
I am sure if anyone posted a pic of Daphnie it would be removed,why are other girls who do not want their pics on internet allowed to be posted?
I also think secret filming in the bars is out of order,many of the girls for obvious reasons do not want to be on internet,should we not respect their rights more?
These girls pose for us freely,they will not even have their pics on internet for money,surely they deserve a great deal of respect?
I know this post will probably upset a few people,but i feel strongly about trust,and maybe i am the only one who feels it wrong to post pics without the girls permission.
I know some of you have a wicked sense of humour,but dont even think about asking for my pics,,lol