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  • #16
    (stogie bear @ Mar. 31 2006,06:48) I don't know why errant posts are not reported so they can be deleted by moderators... Oh well.
    Notes From A Newbie:

    I'm not certain just what constitutes and errant post but my observation is that some of the "moderators" are as guilty of destroying a post's subject as is someone with a negative attiitude.

    But that is simply the way it is.  No one will change the posting style of some or the attitude of the negative.  They are what they are. And I'm certain that at one time or another  we have all been guilty of doing both.

    For all of you who claim that you have a thick skin, I don't believe you.  I will confess that I have a thin skin and that frequently I tend to react with haste and little thought.  Moreover, I tend to believe that there are more folks like me than those who profess to have a thick skin.

    And that's likely why there are an alledged "4,000 Lurkers" who are afraid to post for fear of appearing stupid or of being attacked or subjected to ridicule.

    I do prefer to be called a Lingerer, it befits my glacial fashion and has a less of a negative conotation.  

    Ziggy, I truly hope that you have a thick skin as you proclaim and that what ever injury you have suffered scabs over quickly and you are back to sharing soon.  

    I for one promise that I will carefully guard any response to you or others but be mindful that I will forever be lingering off to the side especially on the posts with the photos of the lovely ladies.

    "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


    • #17
        well said. But actually i  for one  really do have thick skin as 2 divorces and $165,000.00 in legal fees and a lawyer that ended up fucking my second wife will some times do that to you   That is why i love this site, it offers much to admire, a lot to think about and a hell of a lot to   Also there a some interesting characters lurking around.
      Be happy  


      • #18
        I must have missed this big backlash, but admittedly I'm behind in my reading.

        I may be one of the people Ziggy is refering to, I don't know.

        For the record, I always consider Ziggy one of the "major players" on the site and look forward to reading his posts. In general I agree or understand most of what he says.

        Recently I had once incedence of thinking he left his logic hat at the office, but I don't think that's a deal-breaker.

        I don't think we need to start branching into specialty forums or really change anything. Occasional conflict comes upa nd it gets resolved by the community. I've been on both ends of it, I'm not afraid to be a boat-rocker on occasion. And as far as having a thick skin, I can dish it out and take it.

        Everythings fine. Ziggy was probably just having a bad day and got temporarily fed up with the hassle. Happens to all of us.

        It will pass.

        (I still wish the table width would get fixed on the "new and improved" forum)


        • #19
          Hey Zig, I certainly enjoy your posts. I also trust your insight re ladyboy issues far more than I trust that of an anthropologist who maybe has never slept with a ladyboy.

          I don't like flamers and generally just don't respond and get caught up in the drama. There's a new ignore feature that you might like, though it's possible that person could be quoted by someone else. You can also quickly go back to unignore mode if you choose.

          We all have different motivations for particpating in this forum. For me, the sense of community is important.
          Most of us outside Thailand, don't have any friends in their hometown that shares our interest in ladyboys.
          So this forum definitly fills that void. This forum is one big virtual pub, and in every pub there's always one or two drunk assholes.


          • #20
            (grunyen @ Mar. 31 2006,11:21) (I still wish the table width would get fixed on the "new and improved" forum)
            It'll be back to 97% very soon!


            • #21
              (PigDogg @ Mar. 31 2006,11:48) This forum is one big virtual pub, and in every pub there's always one or two drunk assholes.
              That about sums it up!


              • #22
                (vangough05 @ Mar. 31 2006,10:09)   well said. But actually i  for one  really do have thick skin as 2 divorces and $165,000.00 in legal fees and a lawyer that ended up fucking my second wife will some times do that to you   That is why i love this site, it offers much to admire, a lot to think about and a hell of a lot to   Also there a some interesting characters lurking around.
                Be happy  
                Thank you Vangough....unfortunately mine skin is very thin...don't think I'll post any more for fear I'll offend someone else...
                I do hope Ziggy is paying attention to these posts and comes back....


                "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                • #23
                  Hey Ziggy , cheer up man...

                  Although there are no doubt a few academics on the forum it is probably a fact that most are not and may not offer constructive comments.I think thats just life on a porno forum.

                  I think thats just part and parcel of any Forum that you get views that you dont agree with and i think you just have to live with it.  Havnt seen anything that needed to be biltzed anyway and i hope that Ziggy isnt calling for that.

                  The other day a guy put up a wanker sign  after i made a correct statement about  World Cup Coverage....its annoying but i dont lose sleep....

                  I undertand where Ziggys coming from and good on him for making a point  but lets remember that this is a porno site and  although its not as laddish as GG forums i think you have to take the rough with the smooth.



                  • #24
                    Alomst everyone who reads the stupid posts are gonna see them as such even if they don't post anything. But there are some threads that get polluted without any reason. I see Ziggys point so if he wants to moderate a serious more scholastic forum I am all for it.

                    I kind of like the idea as it will encourage other TGs to take part and have their say.


                    • #25
                      I just wanted to say that I read and post in a variety of forums such as financial, political, sports, etc; and believe it not, this porno forum has the least amount of brain damaged members by far and the moderators do a good job here compared to the other 'well respected' sites because of poor or non existant moderation. I hope zig and kahuna keep posting here because IMHO it doesn't get any better than this forum.
                       BTW, I am one of the 'brain damaged' members myself and one thing that helps me deal with the others is knowing that I might have been saying the same shit 5...10...or 15 years ago myself. We all live and learn...some a little faster than others.    
                      PS Don't take the term brain damaged to serious...I think 99% of us are when we're 17 years old... the goal is to get considerably less brain damaged before we die.


                      • #26
                        It would be an absolute shame to lose someone like Ziggy posting on this forum. Whilst not all of us agree with everything he says one thing that cannot be questioned is he at least tries to do his research.

                        I think we might find that besides the pictures and DP's trip report Ziggy's threads would almost generate the most views and replies.

                        Seems to me that there is a trend of sort where some members with very few posts are the hecklers.


                        • #27
                          Well thanks for all those comments.

                          To be clear, as Stogie noted, a forum where everyone agrees is boring as hell, and, I completely disagree with Stogie most of the time. However, I try to take the disagreement as a reason for me to question my own comments or thinking. That is fine, annoying sometimes, but it don't hurt. Personal attacks, though, do not encourage posting or even participation in the forum.

                          Also, I am not aiming at someone, anyone, for sure, including a couple of you who PM'd me. I don't give a damn about 1 or 2 instances towards me. I am more trying to make the comment on the nature of the forum. I'm not going to cry and take my ball home because of a couple of nasty posts. But if the forum goes that way towards many people, even if it isn't me, I would think hard about reading here. The post got so vile I left that, happily, and will never return.

                          Finally, I have no interest in moderating an academic section. There's a lot of guys on this forum way, way smarter than me, because I've PM'd a few. And it's not really about smart or academic. I also like to post mindless jibberish sometimes.

                          Rather, what I was trying to do in a someone subtle way was encourage some of you guys to bring out some different topics once in a while. Generally I post these somewhat unusual posts because I look at the forum log and think, "God, there must be something different to say other than 'look at that big cock'". And with zero doubt, I know some of you guys like the different topics because I get PM'd all the time on them.

                          So how about everyone be the 'academic' (or 'different') poster every couple of weeks? If it were only me, it would be one hell of a boring place.


                          • #28
                            (ziggystardust @ Mar. 31 2006,22:29) I also like to post mindless jibberish sometimes.

                            "God, there must be something different to say other than 'look at that big cock'".
                            "God, there Must be something different to say"

                            As for ( TOPIC CONTAMINATION )

                            Different opinions can steer the Bus in many directions.

                            Who is driving this fucking bus anyhow ?
                            We all are, thats who.
                            You drive the Bus well Ziggy.

                            Ziggy, why did the Walrus go to a Tupperware party?
                            To find a Tight SeaL.
                            Oooops, wrong Forum.
                            My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                            • #29
                              Its a lot easier to comment when im submerged in the LOS scene than when im stuck somewhere else. Personally i tend to lose momentum when im stuck in Taiwan or London.

                              In the early days more subjects seemed to be coverd in depth due to the fact that we hadnt discussed them before. Eventually a head of steam will build up again and i think we will get back round to discussing relationships, Nature Vs Nurture and other interesting stuff........

                              keep up the good work Ziggy, ill see you soon. Theres a good book out called Castrati which mentions 18th century Ladyboys in Italy. Ill take a peek and see if theres any juicy info for your Historic section.

                              see you later



                              • #30
                                (ziggystardust @ Mar. 30 2006,20:51) I just think that while we all like pics of cocks
                                Hey, I kept on reading even after reading this statement.

                                I give the folks here a lot of latitude for their attitude. Even the weirdos, like Pogo, Rando, and Roado. Heck, even dearly departed Smuttley occasionally reckoned that posties were the hottest of all, but he's no longer with us.

                                As for the folks who can't sit behave respectfully when an informative post appears, remember the old maxim: "If they can't take a fuck, joke them!"

                                As for Randyman and Road Runner, I've found that ever since I clicked "Ignore" they don't seem to come around here anymore. I wonder why. I think pressing that button killed their accounts.

                                As for:
                                So how about everyone be the 'academic' (or 'different') poster every couple of weeks? If it were only me, it would be one hell of a boring place.
                                I somehow manage to be the odd man out every time I'm here. That old saying about the one-eyed man in the land of the blind: it ain't true. As for "different": look up "Mirimark".
                                Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                                Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.

