"I was in Temptations a while back talking to Tar, there were 4 backpackers sat opposite me, taking the piss. I wonder how many amazing stories they would be able to tell when they got home"
They really do annouy me, they come to the LOS on some great adventure to "find themselves" they are almost the worst type of visitor here. Second only to the ex Spanish / Greek 18-30's package tour drunken idiot! Who now comes to Thailand because the Euro has artificially jacked up the price to equal that of comining to the LOS. Go & find yourself in Mindano in the south of the Philippines where you don't get running hot cold water, aircon, & many other infrastructer things the LOS has, & go on a real adventure.
Fortunately Phuket does not seem to draw masses of packpackers or at least they are keeping a low profile at the momnet.
But sitting in Soi Crocodile & C & D's each night there are still plenty of "cheap charlie" photo taking, NON TIPPING, hordes out there. I sat in the centre bar in Soi Crocodile last night & bought a few drinks for the LB's who sat around & chatted with me ( I know from previous visits ) there was a liberal coating of couples sitting about staring at the LB's but non bought them a drink or even put a tip in there hand for pole dancing right in front of them. But the glum miserable faces said it all, strutting there stuff so close they could probably smell them, was something more beautiful, more sexy, more femanine & better figured than they will ever be!!!
They really do annouy me, they come to the LOS on some great adventure to "find themselves" they are almost the worst type of visitor here. Second only to the ex Spanish / Greek 18-30's package tour drunken idiot! Who now comes to Thailand because the Euro has artificially jacked up the price to equal that of comining to the LOS. Go & find yourself in Mindano in the south of the Philippines where you don't get running hot cold water, aircon, & many other infrastructer things the LOS has, & go on a real adventure.
Fortunately Phuket does not seem to draw masses of packpackers or at least they are keeping a low profile at the momnet.
But sitting in Soi Crocodile & C & D's each night there are still plenty of "cheap charlie" photo taking, NON TIPPING, hordes out there. I sat in the centre bar in Soi Crocodile last night & bought a few drinks for the LB's who sat around & chatted with me ( I know from previous visits ) there was a liberal coating of couples sitting about staring at the LB's but non bought them a drink or even put a tip in there hand for pole dancing right in front of them. But the glum miserable faces said it all, strutting there stuff so close they could probably smell them, was something more beautiful, more sexy, more femanine & better figured than they will ever be!!!