Forget the Net Sir. My Advice to you is get a ticket and enjoy when u get here. Ive made the mistake of talking to chiks b4 i arrive years ago and what happens is u get there and shes either not as u expected or she is.. However she takes u out shes ure guide and u spend half ure time looking at the shit u cuda had that u now cant have cos ure playin happy families with this bird uve met on the net lol Its a good story to be able to tell people but im sure ud rather tell people how many u bedded on ure 1st nite... Come to LOS FOR LOS I.E LAND OF SMILES 4 LOTS OF SEX
Also ask ure self what kind of TLC your coming to LOS for? TENDER LOVING CARE or THICK LADYBOY COCK? I know why most of us are going
Just enjoy