Ive been going to LOS for a few years, im only 26 so obviously not as long as some of you fellas... But during my trips my chats on forums ive noticed a spread of how people feel about the scene lol... Everyone loves it, enjoys it and gets outa of it what they want personally...Me i very rarely get past "She can stay with me till she has to go to work" and never has it gone past just for a few days it'd be nice to have the company...then after a day and a half i get jarrrrred lol.. but id say most of the time its "a few shags, ok get out now", i sleep alone lol...Its not an LB thing either its GGs aswell.... In a perfect world, How do others feel??? i no its all down to the chick whether or not u click but i think this is me... Ther are chicks that i always go back to but that is cos theve got big knobs, something sexual or there amusing.. Never i like this chick so much, i hope no1 else is gona bone her.... Well do with this thread as you will