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What is with the hairy ass?

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  • #46
    True, if you don't like the idea of a cute girl with a dick sucking you - then why don't you just go for a girl? A lot easier, isn't it? Why have you even considered in the first place to try a LB, if not the fact that this is actually a ladyBOY, is it what turns you on??
    Go for the gg's, Brockie, a lot less intimadting for you, no fear if somebody or even yourself finds out that you're actually doing boys.

    ..... and there are still some smokin' chicks out there:
    Attached Files


    • #47
      So this site is good because we have a lot of intellectual strong opinions, which is fine, including mine, and those who disagree with those opinions (including mine).

      However, it is bad when it become judgemental and condescending as Brocklanders views are in this thread.

      The idea that there is somehow a scale of LB lovers, and those who like disfunctional dicks hidden by clothing with pristinely shaved asses are somehow on a higher scale than those who like strong dicks and/or hairy asses, is insulting.

      Likewise, the unbelievably ridiculous comment that most men on this site were femboys or maybe had a passing curiousty in men is not only stupid, but written in a derogatory way to suggest that the writer is somehow of a higher calling, and is only observing the pleebs who write on the forum in disgust.

      I am nowhere near an academic on this, but I am a reasonably smart asshole, and I can tell you, this crap is so far from the truth that it hurts my eyes to read it, insults my intellect and me personally, and has no place on a forum that is supposed to be open to all views and all types, without condescension.

      Generally speaking, what is referred to non-normative males (ie, all of us), should be binding together in our openness of different sexual preferences and NOT insulting each other.


      • #48
        .... but coming back to the original topic: You shouldn't ask for anything you don't deliver yourself. So if I can shave mine - then that's at least what I expect from others! Nothing better than getting rimmed on a smooth, touchy ass!



        • #49
          I suspect that some writers are being deliberately 'judgemental' and 'insulting' to see what sort of reaction they can get.

          Most people who don't like ladyboys or disagree with the majority view simple don't come here or don't post here.

          Also - with a subject that is as personal and emotive as ones own sexuality it's amazing this forum isn't even more 'judgemental' and 'insulting' than it is.

          I consider myself 'normative'. Lusting after ladyboys is normal behaiour to me. It feels normal and I don't feel abnormal! No poster is going to convince me that it's not normal although I'd concede that it isn't socially recognised as normal.

          I agree that there is a correlation between hairiness and masculinity. But this is a general and social truth and not an individual one.

          The idea of suggesting that most readers here were femboys at one time is so ludicrous that it can't be characterised as 'insulting.'


          • #50
            Originally posted by (ziggystardust @ Oct. 07 2005,00:15)
            So this site is good because we have a lot of intellectual strong opinions, which is fine, including mine, and those who disagree with those opinions (including mine).

            However, it is bad when it become judgemental and condescending as Brocklanders views are in this thread.

            and has no place on a forum that is supposed to be open to all views and all types, without condescension.
            Hello Ziggy,

            I disagree with Brocklanders not only on the line of his thread but also the tone of it.  

            However as you say yourself - the forum is open to all views.

            We are unlikely to change what Brocklanders thinks - we may just be able to get him to understand that others may (will?)
            find it insulting.

            Give him his due - at least he had the balls to put his head above the parapet and say what he thinks  

            As Voltaire said:- 'I disagree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it to the death'

            OK I'm a wimp (one of Brocklanders femmy boys?) but he ain't killed anyone yet and you can always ignore him  

            Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

            "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


            • #51
              Originally posted by
              he ain't killed anyone yet and you can always ignore him


              • #52
                Stogie: Oh and back to my perfect sexual partner or fantasy. But I am 37 years old, tall and thin but still never likely to have a chance a girls that look like this. But one can always dream.

                Juliana Palermo
                Jessica Alba
                Adrianna Lima
                Shu Qui
                Kristen Kreuk
                Kelly Hu
                Ha Ri Su
                brock landers


                • #53

                  I had only heard of one of them so I googled the others!


                  • #54
                    Yes Stogie, I agree with you totally - we are all normal.

                    The academics refer to anyone who isn't heterosexaul as "non-normative" (not my term). LBs have "gender dysphoria".

                    BTW, transsexuals are still viewed in the US by the medical association as having a mental disorder. They must be classified this way to get insurance to pay for any pschiatric help, or, unbelievably, to get any gender surgery. What a fucked up logic.


                    • #55
                      yep , we are all normal here and that includes All the cocksuckers , All the Ass lickers , All the butt fuckers And all the bum boys .

                      Sorry Brock , that doesnt include anyone who likes a shrivelled up Cock or A man made pussy.



                      • #56
                        Originally posted by (ziggystardust @ Oct. 05 2005,14:06)
                        These continue to be the most bizarre comments ever posted on this site.
                        I am with Zig on this comment

                        this was another thread that started when I was in Europe and I am just picking up on now and frankly I don't get it. hairy ass, small tits, small dick, post-op, pre-op, female, etc...... who the hell cares? If you like them, hang out with them.

                        No person on a message board is going to make me change what I feel and who I am seeking as my partner, no matter WHAT they say. If they don't like my tastes and don't want to allow me to pursue who I am attracted to, I don't want to know that person and frankly am not interested in their comments.

                        this thread is absurd.


                        • #57
                          What !!! the girls on this site have Dicks,,,!!!! I only looked at the first two or three photos on each girl because my computer is so slow....


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by (Mr Bartman @ Oct. 07 2005,23:54)
                            What !!! the girls on this site have Dicks,,,!!!! I only looked at the first two or three photos on each girl because my computer is so slow....
                            It's called 'Broadband' for a reason, mate. None of the girls have dicks. Sign up for life and I'll prove it!

