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RIP JaiDee?

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  • RIP JaiDee?

    RIP JD?

    What kind of person in their right mind employs a username that indirectly suggests that someone who works here is going to die?

    The answer of course is that no-one in their right mind does!

    Back in the days when this forum was getting underway we had a few loyal posters and a small membership of a few hundred at first. On the very rare occasion when someone hit the bottle and started posting rubbish it wasn't too upsetting and was dealt with quickly and everything went along as usual...

    Now, of course, this message board has taken on a different style and along the way we have attracted a lot more people and a lot of different types of reader.

    We have also lost a few regulars along the way also! The new layout is a bit harder to use for some and there are more forums to post in and more information and entertainment to be had.

    We also keep on top of things by deleting all members who haven't logged in for 6 months so we don't have an artificially high membership count.

    It has taken a long time to develop this format and we haven't finished either. We are always in a state of flux and we listen to ideas from all our posters which help us fine tune this message board so more of you will use it.

    We don't have silly features and statistics bogging it down, either. Some forums have calenders and the 'invite a friend' feature, etc. Or statistics showing how many posts you made from 3 in the morning till 5 in the morning and when your birthday is and what color socks you have on! It's all just a waste of time and no-one reads that crap really!

    We also don't have ANY moderators anymore. Why should we? All we are here to do is discuss ladyboys and shoot the shit about stuff we like and hate, right?

    We all have our favorite parts of the forum and we all have the parts that we don't even bother looking at!

    Some people like posting about politics - that's the province of the Virtual Pub. It gets pretty wild in there sometimes, but that's what politics does to some people! Who cares - it's in the pub and out of the way if you don't like that sort of thing!

    Some of the old timers of the ladyboy scene probably don't venture into the Travel Forum too much. A lot of us will pop by the Picture Post Forum every now and then to see what's new!

    Most of us read and write on the main forum at the top.

    So - the message board is big and it is unmoderated...

    This is when the occasional lapse in judgement starts to creep in. This is when on the very rare occasion there are just one or two posters who don't recognise that there is an invisible line they cross when they post something.

    (Having said that there are also one or two overly sensitive people who whine like girls.)

    In the end this message board is private property. It's the sole domain of the web site owner, and running it is my job.

    Both the site owner and myself are very clear on this invisible line and so are 99% of our posters.

    We don't have rules (apart from one - don't post rival site pics!)
    We don't use the rather childish warning system that all forums have available to them when a poster gets hysterical either.
    We also don't ban people... mainly because it's almost impossible and it just causes vindictive online campaigns of hatred, etc. (Yes - usernames have been banned in the past - but we don't ban people from re-signing.)

    That doesn't mean to say that you can post what you like - you can't.

    This forum has a responsibility to all its posters and that includes ladyboys and transgendered people who are here posting on complimentary site passes and also the paying members who help us shape the whole site and the direction we head to in the future.

    In otherwords it's not a democracy. There is no rights of free speech! We are not here to debate the various aspects of terrorism and religeon or war etc. (You can if you want to, but in the right forum, if you keep it civil!)

    We are all about ladyboys and we won't lose sight of that.


  • #2
    I agree with nearly everything in your post Stogie but I still think a calendar feature where people can put in their itineraries and contact details when in LOS would go down well with the members, anyone with me on this?


    • #3
      Heuhummm, there is something disturbing we need to discuss, here.
      If I remember well, RIP means Rest In Peace, right?
      I don't know but I have carefully read the topic and... well, all I can say is that I'm a bit erm confused.
      JaiDee is not dead, uh? Is it a Joke that I have not understood or... er?
      Holalalaaaa, there is one frenchie, here, who is a bit scared and confused...


      • #4
        Yea i agree with ya stogie,this forum is not a democracy nor should it be, that would give un needed power to people like bricktop an others that don't seem to have anything better to do then stir up shit an offend people for no reason. Im not saying we can't have fun or even discussion or arguements but it has to be kept within some kind of reason.Lets keep this forum about the good things in life like ladyboys, ladyboys an lets no forget ladyboys!


        • #5
          Orion - someone was just being an asshole. I'm guessing he meant it as a threat. He has been kicked off the forum.
          Jai Dee is very much alive, although he does have a case of LOS Blues.
          "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


          • #6
            Originally posted by (ozzie @ July 10 2005,15:41)
            I agree with nearly everything in your post Stogie but I still think a calendar feature where  people can put in their itineraries and contact details when in LOS would go down well with the members, anyone with me on this?
            Hi ozzie...

            We had the calender feature in the past but literally no-one used it. However if enough people like the idea we can ressurect it.


            • #7
              wow, that is the most Stogie has ever said in one post!

               yes, one of the people who posts here made up a new screen name which indirectly threatened me; how cool.  This after wishing in public twice  and with his IP address tracked that all british children should die.  what a great guy. I can't say it enough times and you can ask any lawyer or constitutional expert; free speech and the bill of rights do not mean you can walk on to someone else's property and say whatever you want; how hard is that to understand?

               I miss the old yellow forum where we just talked about ladyboys and  everyone was happy, and after all isn't that the whole purpose of having a forum on a ladyboy website?  I think I will just fade away again as I do every few months and let this thing take on a life of its own; I get a headache when reading here and I don't need that, I am enjoying my life way too much to get wrapped up in hateful comments.

               Please understand one  thing, guys; this website does not make one penny more or less whether I appear here or not.  Stogie tells me that people like to read my thoughts and  commentaries on being in this scene for 5 years and to share those,  and I enjoy sharing them, but this forum has evolved way past just talking about ladyboys and not for the better. This has become the ONLY pay website on the  entire internet, the ONLY one, where people can mouth off, bitch and  moan, complain about the product, rip other readers on the forum and so much worse; when my life becomes threatened in public that is just way too much.  As Masahiko said, isn't this a place to just talk about ladyboys? Originally, 3 years ago, it was; now it is just one big bitch-fest.

                       2 choices; close this thing down all together and have no forum at all, or just let the inmates run the asylum, but that seems to be happening already.  3rd choice for me; read my e-mail, update the website, and stay out of public view all together.  See ya.


              • #8
                I definitely think some people got really whether not interesting lifes or just some serious problems (or both). When you start threatening to death someone because u get banned from an internet forum, then it starts getting silly.
                This is just a forum about ladyboys, so this is not the most important thing in life. But some guys take that too seriously.
                And yes free speech doesnt mean u can do what you want when you want where you want. That would be too easy and scary at the same time.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by
                  2 choices; close this thing down all together and have no forum at all, or just let the inmates run the asylum, but that seems to be happening already. 3rd choice for me; read my e-mail, update the website, and stay out of public view all together. See ya.
                  I understand where you are coming from JD. I know I might not be the most popular guy on here saying this but why not remove the other forums such as the Virtual Pub and just leave this about ladyboys there are thousands of other places on the web where people can argue religion, politics etc.


                  • #10

                    Stogie, are you reading this?

                    This website is for ladyboys.... get rid of the dead weight around here and maybe the haters will follow


                    • #11
                      I don't know about getting rid of the other forums. Sure, this is an Asian TS site, but I for one was really hoping you'd add a forum on high-end home theater systems and one for gardening tips.

                      Bring on the bitches!


                      • #12
                        you have my sympathy for what happened, I'd like to say that I find this forum nice for the way its organized and managed.
                        I wouldnt change anything...and simply delete, without any reply, threatening messages.
                        At the end of the day fuck its better than fight.
                        Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same. -- Oscar Wilde


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by (fancylighters @ July 11 2005,01:09)
                          I don't know about getting rid of the other forums. Sure, this is an Asian TS site, but I for one was really hoping you'd add a forum on high-end home theater systems and one for gardening tips.
                          I second the home theatre idea and would include DVD reviews too.
                          Shemale Sex Samba in Dolby Digital 5+1 gets 4 stars from me
                          "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                          • #14
                            Dear Spirit Crusher

                            Please think before you write ok. Equating Bricktop to the likes of Lipflipper is both unfair, ludicrous, fatuous and factually wrong period. As far as I understand the late Bricktop ( And I stress the LATE Bricktop) NEVER , I repeat NEVER threatened JD or ever protrayed such extremist views as killing children comprend ?

                            Look what you do with ill thought out and flippant posts like yours is try to tar every person with a non pc view with the same brush and that is clearly not fair as is me saying that all australians are genetically lower than pondlife and completely tiresome, innane, criminals. Clearly this is NOT the case or helpful in protraying a certain community. In the SPIRIT of Goodwill please check your inferences and your language.

                            Thank you for your time.


                            • #15
                              Three things... (and some ranting at the end too!)

                              1 -
                              For those of you who remember the yellow forum then think back... it too had posters who pissed off the members and marginalised the faithful. If you think that the old forum was the good old days where people simply told each other how great everything was then you have a highly selective memory!

                              2 - The reason why ALL forums have something similar to a Virtual Pub is that online communities of all persuasions have more to say other than "Cor - Rita's got a big dick!" or "I went with May last night and came twice!"

                              There is more to life than ladyboys and oftentimes our community of friends here likes to share those things, or at least read about them.

                              So - deleting forums hoping that everyone will stick around and talk about the updates is not very realistic!

                              What do you do when someone wants to know where the immigration office is in Chiang Mai? "Sorry, son. Talk ladyboys or fuck off!" Hmmm...

                              3 - Over reacting because one poster gets wasted and winds people up is the absolute wrong way to manage an online community of 2,000 readers and posters. Once people get wind of how to wind you up and when people start responding to offensive posts then you may as well pack it in.

                              That's what trolls feed on... knowing what buttons to press.

                              If anyone reading this visits other reasonably well attended forums I'll bet they'll say that this one is probably the most trouble free one around - regardless of the subject matter.

                              I've seen some forums with some really sick people on them and the moderators flailing around not knowing how to handle it or laying down pages of rules and then everyone talks about the fucking rules for months and still people break them!

                              Too much stress and not worth the aggravation. I've been moderating and admining (is that a word?) forums for many years (and much busier ones than this one) and there has not been a single problem that couldn't be handled with a PM or an eMail.

                              We'll stick to what we are doing the way we are doing it for the time being.

                              We have a lot of colorful personalities here and the forum is very much a part of the life and soul of the whole site. We have had bad boys in the past and they'll pop up from time to time again in the future too. We'll deal with them as they come. We don't have to give the 'touch type terrorists' the pleasure of victory by closing down forums or changing course just because someone burps after his dinner!

                              I'm really amazed that I feel the need to write this, but if you respond to an offensive post instead of reporting it then you are really as guilty as the original poster.

                              Anyway, it happens maybe 2 or 3 times a year so I'm not letting it affect my supper.

                              By the way I have been in touch with the individual concerned over the last incident and he's entirely contrite and has agreed on his own (without prompting from me) to change the style of his posts in the future. As far as I am concerned the matter is now over and in the past and forgotten.

                              This is a great forum and if I have my way it'll be around for a long time to come!

