Hey guys
Great site and a stack of info. If only I knew of this place earlier. Good stuff
I'm living in London at the mo. Love to dabble with the ladyboys on the side. Just got back from LOS about 3 weeks ago and damn am I missing those girls
Any guys here from London who wanna give me tips on the London traps. Checked out some of the UK sites that popped up from forum searches but it'll be a gonad off before I spring 200 quid for an hour.
Anyway a big hello to all here. Hope to share some stories with ya all.
Great site and a stack of info. If only I knew of this place earlier. Good stuff
I'm living in London at the mo. Love to dabble with the ladyboys on the side. Just got back from LOS about 3 weeks ago and damn am I missing those girls
Any guys here from London who wanna give me tips on the London traps. Checked out some of the UK sites that popped up from forum searches but it'll be a gonad off before I spring 200 quid for an hour.
Anyway a big hello to all here. Hope to share some stories with ya all.