So this past winter I am walking down Sukumvitt (cant spell) at about 2pm near Soi 9 or 10. Now know one knows me in Thailand other than Thai people. And I hear this "Bartman" I look around and Agin "Bartman" and a guy is talking to me ,ive never seen n my life...I say ya I am Bart Simpson who the hell are you (not really) its was Jaidee, no kidding I had talked to him and told him what I looked liked and he saw me in a big croud of people on lower Sukumvitt... what a guy... Fuck I wish I was back in Thailand
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Jaidee knows his customers
it was easy..... you described yourself as a nice guy from Texas and told me how you looked and I see a guy fitting that description wearing a harley davidson T-shirt from Texas walking down Suk; I just took a shot that it was you out of a crowd of people. if the guy turned around and said "fuck off, who the hell is Bartman" I would have had some big trouble LOL.
thanks again for the free ladyboy for the night, no one has ever done that for me and I will never forget that. Kate from Obsessions almost killed me but that is par for the course for her