This thread is to encourage anyone who has not posted yet (or it's been a long time), to introduce yourself.
This forum has had it's ups and downs, with a lot of history here. It would have been a shame to lose it all, but thanks to help from JaiDee and Bam, it's up again and hopefully will continue to help others learn about lbs, Asia and themselves.
This forum has returned to its free format, but there are some restrictions to regular members. Regular members cannot post in Trip Reports or Photogallery, plus there is one other bonus forum that cannot be viewed or posted in, unless you are a trusted member.
To become a trusted member you have to post an original trip report (with photos - no need to be explicit), or a number of helpful informative posts about the lb scene in Asia or other parts of the world.
There will be no tolerance for flaming on this forum, the aim is to be friendly, helpful and supportive.
This forum has had it's ups and downs, with a lot of history here. It would have been a shame to lose it all, but thanks to help from JaiDee and Bam, it's up again and hopefully will continue to help others learn about lbs, Asia and themselves.
This forum has returned to its free format, but there are some restrictions to regular members. Regular members cannot post in Trip Reports or Photogallery, plus there is one other bonus forum that cannot be viewed or posted in, unless you are a trusted member.
To become a trusted member you have to post an original trip report (with photos - no need to be explicit), or a number of helpful informative posts about the lb scene in Asia or other parts of the world.
There will be no tolerance for flaming on this forum, the aim is to be friendly, helpful and supportive.