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Bar Fines - A necessary evil?

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  • #16
    One of the most often heard  complaints about the ladyboy scene in the Philippines is, it's not Organized like in Thailand.  If the bar owners were not able to recoup some of his loses, or earn some income through a bar fine, would there be bars with Ladyboys, and would it be as organized in Thailand, Or would it be more like the Philippines  where you wander the country hoping to meet a hot ladyboy in someplace you heard there might be one.  

    Would the Ladyboy scene in the Philippines as unorganized as it is, be as advanced as it is today,  if it were not for how organized Ladyboy scene in Thailand is, the Ladyboy scene in the Philippines would probably be 10 years behind what it is now.

    The barfine is the grease that makes the system run smoother.  If you  can't afford  to pay the bar fine, do as TripleZ says stick with the freelancers.


    • #17
      Its nothing in comparison the the overheads of the p4p market in the rest of the world. Guys I buy a round of drinks and that only for myslef and two others in the UK. Thats the cost of the bar fine. Think about it, you secure your girl. You can hold her for the night. That beauty that you have been dreaming of for the last 6 months. She will be happy and all over you like a rash. Hamsome man. The bar will be happy and most importantly you will be protected should there be some funny business and things not work out quite right. Whats a round of drinks in the bigger picture.

      The bars must survive and its part of their business plan. Listen to Jim, he,s at the coalface. Grant them the privilege. Its OK for us old fat Farangs to earn why shouldnt they. How often if ever could you find a group of racehorses and take them out for a spin for a tenner plus some oats .............


      • #18
        (rusty nail @ Jun. 01 2011,14:40)
        (pacman @ Jun. 01 2011,07:21) While I am indulging myself in this little exercise in omphaloskepsis...
          Had to look that one up!    
        I'm glad someone did! Who knew the English language boasted such a word? And how extensive is the vocabulary available to us if we just choose to use it?

        Now I want to make a post using the verb 'defenestrate'. You won't believe the defintion of that one!!

        And BTW, some lucky bastard won a trip around the world last year from Trip Advisor for using it in a hotel report. He was judged as writing the years best report on the basis he used the word. I wonder what I'll win here?

        Sorry for going  
        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


        • #19

          I thought he was the Greek Goalkeeper with the funny haircut


          • #20
            (pacman @ Jun. 01 2011,16:43) [quote=rusty nail,Jun. 01 2011,14:40]
            Originally posted by pacman,Jun. 01 2011,07:21

            Now I want to make a post using the verb 'defenestrate'. You won't believe the defintion of that one!!
            For some reason that entered my vocabulary many years ago. I wonder if it was playing "Colonel Parker in the library with the open window"?


            • #21
              (jimbo34 @ Jun. 01 2011,12:21) I looked at a few months recently, and found that LDs & BFs are approximately 35% - 40% of the revenue of the bar.

              Absolutely critical, especially as the profit on them is so high.  In High Season, they provide all of the bottom line really, providing a nice surplus to pay for unusual expenses eg repairs, and provision for surviving Low Season, etc.

              In Low Season , when drinkers are less plentiful, the margins allow the bar to at least tick over without loss.

              Without them, the bars would die in a very short space of time unless drink prices were to rise to compensate.
              Oh no! So after I buy a few lady drinks I HAVE to bf one to balance out your profits Jimbo (or my losses). I'll explain that to my accountant and get his advice.


              • #22
                (pacman @ Jun. 01 2011,16:43) Now I want to make a post using the verb 'defenestrate'. You won't believe the defintion of that one!!
                It means to take a shit at a demonstration in way of protest ie - to shit oneself with rage .

                This form of protest was popular in the middle ages with English peasants but has recently been revived by the wider anti globalization movement I am led to believe .
                Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                • #23
                  Smarrtass post

                  Defenestrate means to throw out of the window - global protesters and drunks on the other hand throw things through the window, including themselves (based on a recent evening out in Newcastle - how drunk does someone have to be to take a run at a plate glass window, beggars belief)
                  You, you and you hold fire - everyone else come with me - attributed to US Marine Recruiting Sargent WW2.

                  You, you and you cum on me - everyone else hold fire - attributed to Porn Actor/Director Alexandra in 1992


                  • #24
                    (harley quinn @ Jun. 02 2011,15:10) how drunk does someone have to be to take a run at a plate glass window...
                    I'm feeling rough and it's a combination of air and water...


                    • #25
                      One assumes that if you barfine a person that is also an insurance against getting your belongings ruffled through whilst you are in the bathroom. You have at least some recourse to the bar. they used to HIV check them as well although not sure about that now ( anyone know)

                      Some old Skank hiding behind the bushes on beach road at 4am dont come with any warranty. The only overhead she has is the hole in her arse. So if you get rolled over or doped who you going to complain to...the Chief of Police. Ya like he gives a fuck


                      • #26
                        (Tomcat @ Jun. 02 2011,17:24) The only overhead she has is the hole in her arse...
                        I'm feeling rough and it's a combination of air and water...


                        • #27
                          (Tomcat @ Jun. 02 2011,17:24) One assumes that if you barfine a person that is also an insurance against getting your belongings ruffled through whilst you are in the bathroom. You have at least some recourse to the bar. they used to HIV check them as well although not sure about that now ( anyone know)
                          To tell the truth, we only pay a barfine if we actively want to support the bar - and there are a number of bars we'd always actively support in that way.

                          Otherwise, it's pay the barfine happily the first time, then get a phone number and deal directly with the hole-saler from then on I'm afraid...

                          As for TC's point, while I'd like to believe that a barfine does give you some sort of recourse if things go wrong, Id wager in an overwhelming majority of bars, it doesnt/wont.

                          Cant remember ever seeing an STI check form either...


                          • #28
                            Well all i can say is that we all know someone that has been drugged or robbed by a freelancer and in my humble experience i think the Bargirls are slightly less risky..

                            If there were no barfine the drinks would probably be 30% more expensive anyway.

                            There are plenty of guys who wait until the bars close to avoid the fine believe me but thats their call and i dont really care ..i have no moral compass on this issue exept that KC3 being the exception.. they deserve to get screwed.


                            • #29
                              I prefer to await Tomcat's reviews, then trust my judgment if his exes are outside Charlie's Kitchen .... 'walking around'.  Worked well for me .... altho Ness is now back in Cascade, & May in Khon Kaen probably    As I've said many times before, that bloke Tomcat is Chief Scout in my book (and the Cissyboy Thread just confirms what an excellent judge .... and raving homo .... he is!)

                              Voted for 'no problem paying' btw.  I think the bars do me a good service.


                              • #30
                                (perth_couple @ Jun. 03 2011,17:32) ...and deal directly with the hole-saler from then on...
                                I'm feeling rough and it's a combination of air and water...

