just a few words from the email i have today
I saw on your webpage that you posted the details about us and I am very hurt and upset.
How can you post personal things about us on there and make my feelings known to the world.
As I said, money is not important to me, and it would not have mattered if I spent a million baht on you, which would have been very little to me.
emails are private and i respect that but i did not mention names or details because i dont want to destroy anyones life
if i post that "love story" in my diary was because i was surprise and hurt with the end after waiting 2 weeks for ... nothing
i needed to open my heart with my asiants friends to get some comfort support
now the "dream" is over and i dont want to talk more about it
at least i hope the dark side of this story is important for many of the girls see this site before take a wrong step
I saw on your webpage that you posted the details about us and I am very hurt and upset.
How can you post personal things about us on there and make my feelings known to the world.
As I said, money is not important to me, and it would not have mattered if I spent a million baht on you, which would have been very little to me.
emails are private and i respect that but i did not mention names or details because i dont want to destroy anyones life
if i post that "love story" in my diary was because i was surprise and hurt with the end after waiting 2 weeks for ... nothing
i needed to open my heart with my asiants friends to get some comfort support
now the "dream" is over and i dont want to talk more about it
at least i hope the dark side of this story is important for many of the girls see this site before take a wrong step