Hello to all. Today, I started the outline portion of my Ladiboy tattoo. It covers my left rib cage. I was looking for and found an incredible artist to draw it for me. It is an incredible drawing of an asian Ladiboy and the body it tattooed as well. I can't wait for it to be completed so that I can post a picture and get everyone's feed back on it. I love the way it is coming out already. Nice face, that is not to girly..great boob job, followed by manly hips and of course a hidden surprise, I will keep everyone posted on the progress. I look forward to hearing any feed back anyone has on the idea or me actually having it cement to my body forever.
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Ladiboy tattoo
I got the tattoo yesterday, the online that is. I can't walk past the mirror without pulling up my shirt and taking a look at it. I can't believe I finally got it after all these years. But hey I figured I have a good career and nothign anyone can do about it now. I thanks for all the views and hope to get more responses. Cant wait for the finsished product so I can post the pictures.
Yeah I am a little worried now about taking ym shirt off at work to take a shower in the locker room, but when it is done who gives a damn. That still takes some balls to get that written on your arm, much props for that. I am not living a lie any longer. We should organize a trip to the homeland via this room.
The standard excuse for embarassing tatoos is that you were really drunk and your mates took you to a tattoo place to get a pic of the stars and stripes/ union jack / your wife/ your dog/ Mr Thaksin,/ your college coat of arms etc etc done.....but when you got home and woke up next day ....this is what I got....cant really understand it....haha
We all know the guy who ended up with a washing machine tatood on his back when he thought he was getting s/thing else......and then there is that so cute ladyboy who now has me on her back ( tattood.......after I took her to a place to treat her to a tat of the Grand Palace.....So now I have to look deep into my own eyes while in shafting her doggystyle...
Yikes Remy! On your left ribcage..??? Can't think of a more painful place.....You couldn't do your left shoulder or back.....??? Your ribcage...OUCHHHH!!! Gota give you credit man...your a true LB lover....no denying it now! Many props my man and good luck with the rest of the tattoo....please post those pics when it's done....can't wait to see it....