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Nang Fah LB Club & Resort Jomtien

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  • (Master Bator @ Dec. 07 2009,11:10)
    those who have been in Singapore (where I was born) or in Malaysia where my family lived for 4 decades or Indonesia (5 generations of ancestors) will understand. Or those who have been to the FCC in Phnom Penh Cambodia etc. etc.

    Being 6th generation living in Asia myself I at times feel more Asian than the Asians themsleves.

    And it was not 6 generations of slavedrivers.
    Doctors, teachers, lawyers and engineers that built schools, bridges, railways etc. and those that were not bombed by the Japs in WWII still stand.
    We were told to fuck off by the communists Indonesians after the war and after the Japs made us lose face in the country that we built and cared for.

    We lost everything but we continued in SEA Asia and I will carry forth the family traditon of doing good in Asia.

    So what has this to do with ladyboys?

    Well before I was born my father was already in the nightclubs in Bangkok and was roaming on Bugis street in Singapore and later Batu Road ( now known as Geylang district ) in Kuala Lumpur -speaking of carrying forth family traditions....

    Call it a chip on my shoulderif you like -I prefer to say it is in my genes and my destiny...
    Lost in Space!


    • (tomscam @ Dec. 07 2009,10:32) And what threats were these?

      If a LB establishment owner is making threats against people, shouldn't we all know. Especially for those who may be thinking about staying there.

      MB, did you make threats and if so why? Wouldn't this action negate the purpose of this whole forum (helping/advising)?
      Like I said it was not a threat -call it a warning if you like.

      I was considering closing down today but as the rent has already been paid and I promised my staff I would hire them until year end I might as well reopen to keep my promise to guys that have been supportive in what I am doing which is helping and advising by creating a platform where you can live your dreams.

      I was recommended by a fellow BM to tone down and not offend a respected customer of my collegues but I have my doubts now if I should have done that.

      He has tarnished my reputation twice which is unacceptable.
      Lost in Space!


      • You're a funny guy MB, keep up the good work and best of luck with you project/hobby
        Back in LOS in February  


        • (bbb2k2 @ Dec. 07 2009,12:15) You're a funny guy MB, keep up the good work and best of luck with you project/hobby
          Thanks !
          So after this blast from the past I would like to continue to talk about the future and hopefully can do so without being pestered.

          As mentioned we are temporarily closed but after a staff meeting today- also with our partners -we are happy to announce two parties in cooperation with Strigfellows.

          Saturday December 12th

          Suspenders and Stockings Party at Stringfellows.

          Hosted by Powerbob

          After Party at Nang Fah Retreat

          Hosted by Master Bator

          The second party will be on Friday December 18th -details to follow.
          Lost in Space!


          • (batman4ever @ Dec. 07 2009,10:03)
            (Master Bator @ Dec. 07 2009,08:16) yes, you could be right there.
            As long as the cost of my hobby (which was getting rather out of hand) gets covered I am quite willing to share my info and contacts.

            So I hope you all  now understand that I get annoyed if BM's start accusing me of stealing girls from collegues or spread vicious rumours.

            Or as happened on the "retard" forum post blatant nonsense and lies and then ban me for speaking the truth to defend myself.
            well...i dont ACCUSING you.... i just wrote that 2 girls said that you were trying to hire them.....and guess what...i trust them...

            and for youre treats to me in the PM..... well FUCK OF...iam not afraid of no ways...i just tell things like i see them....
            Well I find it hard to bite my lip right now,

            Knowing what I know, as you tried to boycott LBP, I received some PM's from friends that were top posters on that forum, telling me they had enough of your threats you privately sent them, and they were afraid to post anymore photos, and actually deleted some.

            I asked them to send me your so called non-threatening Pm's, and in among the usual ramblings you finish off with this quote;

            "And dear please be careful with what you post -one phonecall from a connected guy like me could get you on the persona non grata list at immigration.
            I promise it will not be me but there are others that could do it.

            Make up your own mind. I will not ask you to boycott LBP with me and others.

            Let's clear this all up. You have a reputation as a true lb lover. Don't put that at stake."

            Another one you sent;

            "Dear ,
            You are now a friend of Nang Fah and under protection of the "Guardian Angels"...
            Delete whatever you still can on the Pattaya forum."

            Now would any other BM's here, take these as threats or not?

            These BM's which are members here also, were actually afraid to go to Thailand, in case they got picked up at the airport. I assured them it was nothing to worry about, and it was just the usual rants and raves of MB. Who was acting like a kid that just dropped his ice cream, and had no power what so ever to do such a thing, nor does his so called "Guardian Angels".

            They then asked me what about these €˜Guardian Angels', thinking they would have to be looking over their shoulder every five minutes, wile on holiday. I reassured them there was still nothing to worry about, after making a few phone calls, and found out his so called €˜Guardian Angels' were nothing more than the €˜Rotary Club', a bunch of old free-masons, which Jan (MB), is a member. The €˜Guardian Angels' is the women's branch of it. Maybe MB has got a bunch of old ladies to back him up, but nothing a couple of €˜Thai devils' couldn't handle.

            MB then joined LBP under the name of €˜Krishna', ranting as usual, and got banned in a matter of hours. He then came back as JR Ewing, which was ok, until he got upset with a fellow MB, and openly threatened anyone who disagreed with him, with high friends in high places, police, immigration, and politicians. I found the whole thing entertaining and comical, and I was sorry he was banned again.
            And now I just see here, MB privately threatening €˜Batman'. I think enough is enough Jan. Stop being so childish because that's all it is. And stop using and blackening the name of the Rotary Club which is a great charitable organization, and stop this €˜Guardian Angel' nonsense. Get on with your life Jan, don't waste it on silly squabbles on forums, your doing yourself more harm than good, and will come back and bite you in the ass.


            • (Master Bator @ Dec. 07 2009,14:01) I said I could threaten if I wanted to but I would rather not and the heading of my pm was peace and friendship.

              All I said was that I (or more so my Guardian Angels) could do nasty things to some people if they have the idea that someone is being nasty to me.

              I only fuck off if I want to fuck off my friend. I made a request that's all.
              WTF is this Guardian Angels business?

              Sounds like a threat?

              This thread is becoming more interesting by the hour.
              dreaming about LOS again


              • a indirect threat
                why else say it ?



                • Okay I will make one final effort to explain before you or the admins or whoever may close this thread down and delete everything with it.

                  Re: Rotary.
                  Rotary is indeed a charitable operation, one that my father never joined.
                  He was invited many many times as he was an advisor to the Malaysian and Singaporean gouvernments but he said "I will not join a club with people that wine and dine and claim they are charitable but do not even care for their own employees"

                  He was the MD of the first company in Malaysia that had a free health care system in place for all staff. Our staff at home stayed with us for decades and cried for days when my parents left the country. I am still in touch with their children and will visit them after Christmas to celebrate new year together.

                  Yes I have made contacts through Rotary not only in Pattaya but througout Thailand and beyond and they all know what I stand for.

                  But these are nothing compared to the contacts I made during my career and during my first years in Thailand. I just can not go into further detail on these very influential people but they on one hand reach even into Royal Families and on the other to Chinese triads. And they owe me a lot. All I asked for (and got) in return is protection.

                  That thread and poll about "would you fuck an underaged femboy?" could have put not only the OP but also me and my friends in extreme danger.
                  You will find an earlier post on that forum from me about doing a little femboy excursion. It never materialised as I was late and it was raining by that time. Thank God!

                  I asked the mods to move it to trusted. Request denied. An admin said he was monitoring the thread but what does he know about the land behind the smiles? There are just too many lurkers on the open secrtion of the forums. I did not mean to do any harm but was warning about some that could and possibly would.
                  I could bail myself out and also others but why should I?

                  I like the guys that I sent those pm's thats why I did it.

                  Master Bator,

                  (Admin) has replied to a personal conversation entitled "PiDee".

                  (Admin) said:
                  ================================================== ====================
                  I for one thinks that YOU are a good member here,but plz mind that it is up to US,when we promote a member...not when you call for it.
                  And to demand it in the shoutbox.......well thats just not the way,it might only delay the matter.

                  No offence intended,but i just telling you how this works.

                  this PiDee was asked by me to post the exclusive first in room pictures taken at our opening party.

                  Thinking he was trusted already poor PiDee posted some very compromising pics of him and his wife sucking cock in the open section.

                  I pm'ed him but my pm was read by the admin (who else could do that???). I could see the admin was posting but no post appeared on the forum so it was a pm from him to his mod and within minutes this reply came from the mod:

                  Master Bator,

                  (moderator) has replied to a personal conversation entitled "PiDee".

                  (moderator) said:
                  ================================================== ====================
                  I would prefer you didn't PM BMs about restricting their pics in this forum. We have removed your map to give you a degree of anonymity and the pics he is posting are not hardcore sex pics that would bring unwanted attention to your project.

                  In any case, we allow unrestricted posting on our forum, not just for Trusted area.

                  The pics not hardcore? -the mod had not even seen the pics yet he posted!
                  His wife sucking his and a lb's cock and Wan from Sf sucking his cock with his tattoo on his arm in full view.

                  Get real guys....

                  Lost in Space!


                  • (Nemisis @ Dec. 07 2009,17:08) MB then joined LBP under the name of €˜Krishna', ranting as usual, and got banned in a matter of hours. He then came back as JR Ewing, which was ok, until he got upset with a fellow MB, and openly threatened anyone who disagreed with him, with high friends in high places, police, immigration, and politicians. I found the whole thing entertaining and comical, and I was sorry he was banned again.
                    You are forgetting that I came back as Guardian Angel -posting as usual informing guys where to find a certain lb and who the lb in the picture was.Nothing else.

                    I got banned by accident by your mod and I was promised that it would be reconsidered.

                    I was asked to come with my complaints which I did in a pm but apparently you guys could not cope with  the truth.

                    Nothing happened not even a reply.

                    Yes, a reply came a few days later when I started posting on the other threads about this.

                    Only then I came as Khrisna and was banned because the IP address was recognised and I had banned Terry Tibbs from my forum.

                    I came back indeed through hiding my IP as JR Ewing as my false IP was from Dalas Texas just to see what wankers like Mlay were posting about me.

                    I did not ask his girlfriend EVE to come and work here. She was begging to work here.  And why was Mlay setting Jenny up for a second time against me in speaking to my staff and advising them not to work for me? The girls love me here for all I have done for them this past month and are begging me not to cloise the place down.
                    And I for one have not touched them -I do not put my pen in companies ink.

                    So why do I get banned if I come to my own defense. They (you) just can't handle the truth and accept the facts!

                    So then I spoke the truth again this time as Felix Wankel the inventor of the Rotary engine but only through pm's nothing else.
                    Banned again. And do you think the old ladies at the foreign clubs are my Guardian Angels? It's the other way around my friend. As assistant governor I am there to help and advise them.
                    You should have made a few more phone calls buddy...

                    Do you know how much I have done for the Thai Rotary clubs and who their members are?

                    PS I have no intention to drag Rotary Clubs into this. My fellow Rotarians have nothing to do with this.
                    They are just friends like many of you on the forums that I like to have a few drinks with. They are not my "Guardian Angels".

                    I thought I would be safe from wankers on this forum but then I get smart arse comments on my thread.

                    I do not cheat my fellow ladyboybar/ club entrepreneurs!!
                    Lost in Space!


                    • (Nemisis @ Dec. 07 2009,17:08) Well I find it hard to bite my lip right now,
                      I find it hard to bite my dick nowadays.

                      My body is not as agile as it used to be.

                      Fortunately my brain is...

                      These BM's which are members here also, were actually afraid to go to Thailand, in case they got picked up at the airport. I assured them it was nothing to worry about, and it was just the usual rants and raves of MB.
                      Good thing you did that as I've seen a lot of them around lately!
                      Lost in Space!


                      • All is peace and quiet here at Nang Fah now that I have closed it down for a few days. Not even wailing sirens outside the gate

                        My Angels are out and about and I am ready to get some well deserved sleep. It's been yet another long day

                        Perhaps I will dream of angels

                        Goodnight my friends

                        Raving & Ranting Wanker
                        Lost in Space!


                        • (Master Bator @ Dec. 07 2009,11:43) He has tarnished my reputation twice  which is unacceptable.
                          You seem to do a good job of that all by yourself.  

                          You want this forum to promote your business/hobby (presumably for free) but don't like anyone who questions the way you do it.  Any criticism is taken as 'polluting the thread' - and then you ask the moderators : 'Delete the thread, and start a new one'

                          Sounds like an interesting place, and I hope it flourishes, but I suggest you are putting off more customers than pulling them in. That includes me, after what I've read recently on here.


                          • I will leave Earth and let Chuck Wow lead his own life again.

                            Nang Fah Retreat is closed and the Dream has come to an End.

                            Anyone want to give it a try?


                            Topic closed.

                            Lost in Space!


                            • (Master Bator @ Dec. 08 2009,12:42) Nang Fah Retreat is closed and the Dream has come to an End.
                              This is indeed very sad news.

                              I had chosen Nang Fah Retreat to be the venue where I would become impregnated by a ladyboy.

                              The resulting baby would be akin to the second comming of the LORD Jesus Christ.

                              It was important for me to experience my lust in order to save the wicked.
                              Therefore, a great loss to all sodomites.
                              For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.
                              —2 Corinthians 5:10


                              • it seems all us dutch guys are the same.
                                i love model aircraft

